Design Skills 1

On premiere pro we were using lots of different effects and tools to develop our footage. The main tools that were key when adding effects are below;

  • Lumetri colour helps change the colour of you chosen footage. As you can see from the colour wheel below those are the colours you can choose from. Not only can you just add colour but you can change the vibrance and saturation ect. This has been very useful when wanting to add something extra to the footage and make it more fun and attention grabbing. The colours impact on the star image as they make her look more edgy which compliments the genre of R&B.

  • By using the effect controls we were able to change the positioning of footage, crop, rotate ect. This helped enlarge the desired areas of the image so it will make the audience concentrate on the specific area. Also by doing this it has helped add various shots to the video to keep it changing. Firstly I had to go into the transform button to drop it on my clip to then be able to do all the positioning effects. By being able to position the star around it made us able to focus the star for when being viewed which could help portray a connection from the star to the performer so they don’t feel isolated and feel involved.

  • Using generate has helped with adding unique effects to the footage, for example we used lighting in ours to add something small, simple and new. Not only did we add lighting but we also added colour from using the lumetri colour wheels. There are other special effects that we could use such as lens flare, and 4 colour gradient. I think using an effect like this is bold which represents the genre R&B as they are all confident, strong artists. It also displays a power for the star image.

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