Rough Cut (Basic Edit of Narrative)

This is the Rough cut of my thriller film, it isn’t edited apart from putting things into narrative order.

There are a lot of shots in my rough cut that I will need to re-record, the main reason for this was there were too many modern objects in the background of shots, the wind was also horrible where I was recording, so a lot of the shots feel shaky (even though I has stabilizers). There is meant to be a rowing scene that I will be putting into my final product. Our actors did great though despite the bad weather. There were a few times it felt like be broke the 180 degree rule.

For the re-filming:

  • I need to make sure there are no modern objects in the shot
  • To have the camera steady the entire time
  • To trt not to break the 180 degree rule

Shooting Day Evaluation

These are some pictures from our shooting day, there is also a commentary on how we found filming.

We went out on two separate filming days to get our shots. Day one was with our actors to record the main scene, we went to castle cornet. The second day was with Harry’s uncle to record the boat scene, we went to Rocquaine  that will be adding to our draft 1. Day 1 didn’t go as expected because of the weather and the surroundings, day 2 went great, we got all the shots we needed and more just in case.


  • The weather was horrible, the wind was so strong that (even with stabilizers) the camera was shaky.
  • There was a lot of modern objects in the background which we will need to re-film.


  • The mise-en-scene was very good and worked with the time based the thriller in.
  • The acting was brilliant even though the weather was horrible.

Production Meeting Agenda

This is my Production Meeting Agenda. This has everything Harry and I will need to bring on filming day and how I want my cast to look in their costume (picture and description). It also has the locations we need to go to take the shots. This will help remind us what we’ll be bringing and how we need to dress our characters.

Shot List

This is a shot list for my thriller, this shows how I want each shot to be taken and any notes I need to remind me about anything. I will take this with me so I remember everything I need.


I have created a storyboard with my partner for out thriller. This will help us create a shot list as we have images of how we want everything to be placed in the shots, so we can add more descriptive notes to our shot list to make it perfect.