September 13

The Media Ecology. Map of concepts and mediascape.

My Horse ranch Lego construction


There The definition of an ecosystem is “a complex network or interconnected system,”  this can be shown in Media Ecology by the eight co-existing components. I created a Lego construction of a Horse Ranch to show a form of ecology and to highlight the fact that ecosystems need factors that support each other in order to work effectivley. In the Lego construction for example, if the man didn’t look after the horses they would die, and if they died the ranch wouldn’t have been able to charge people for horse rides and there would be no income for the family. This could be representative of the fact that in Media Ecology if Media creators did not exist there would be no Media audience and without a Media audience there would be no income for companies.

It is important that there are all factors of the Media Ecosystem or it will not work.are eight important co-existing components that make up Media Ecology.  These are components that support each other and ensure that the Media Ecology works and without them the system would fail. This knowledge will help me with the creation of my music magazine because I will be able to understand and take into account all of the factors that play in to the making of Media. For example I will be able to think about ways I can attract my target audience by using other components in the Media Ecology system such as Social Media as a way of advertising. I will also take into account that my magazine cannot be distributed in the first place without funding from the government for the technology used to make it.

Media ecology mindmap

Media Ecology is made up of these factors:

  • Government and Law
  • Money
  • Audience
  • Social Media
  • Institutions
  • Creators
  • Distribution
  • Technology

I think that two main factors that Government and Law influence are:

  1.  Distribution, because the spread of fake news means that there would be no one to stop rumours and no one to set boundaries on how much information should be released. Distribution happens by things such as social media platforms, radio or television.
  2.  Money, because without money the government would be unable to fund things such as technology or employers for Media.

The definition of an ecosystem is “a complex network or interconnected system,”  this can be shown in Media Ecology by the eight co-existing components. I created a Lego construction of a Horse Ranch to show a form of ecology and to highlight the fact that ecosystems need factors that support each other in order to work effectivley. In the Lego construction for example, if the man didn’t look after the horses they would die, and if they died the ranch wouldn’t have been able to charge people for horse rides and there would be no income for the family. This could be representative of the fact that in Media Ecology if Media creators did not exist there would be no Media audience and without a Media audience there would be no income for companies. it is important that there are all factors of the Media Ecosystem or it will not work.



Posted 13th September 2019 by alicemillis in category component 1, Creative Critical Reflection 1

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