Narrative Development

Below is our extended step outline for our music video narrative shoot. Narrative is important within a music video as it creates excitement and tension and is generally the driving factor the engages people and makes them curious to watch it again which in turn equals more profit for the artist.

There are three kinds of narrative:

  • Disjunctive – The narrative has little or nothing to do with the song itself
  • Amplified – Themes within the music video narrative link to the themes within the song
  • Illustrative – The songs lyrics and meanings are acted out within the narrative

We have decided to do an amplified narrative and the planning sheet above will be helpful in making sure we have everything we need to make our narrative, and ultimately our music video, a success.

Todorov is a theorist who put forward an idea about how a narrative should flow. A narrative begins at an equilibrium until something disrupts it. After the disruption restoration happens and a new equilibrium is formed.

Our narrative generally follows this theory as in the beginning you can see the character sitting before her mind causes her disruption and the video gets more dark. At the end we are aiming to film the resolution of her breaking out of a door representing her dark thoughts however the new equilibrium will not be clear as to create mystery for the audience so that they will want to watch it again.

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