Design Skills 1

From our first draft of our music video we successfully filmed clear and effective shots in multiple different locations and created a peformance video from these shots. We used various equipment to film these shots including a tripod, shoulder mount and dolly, which helped us to film a wide range of shots such as tracking shots, close ups and pans. The equipment allowed our shots to remain still and steady as well as clear and in focus.

During our editing stages we have used Adobe Premier Pro to put our music video together. We have used various techniques and effects to create our star image correctly. Premier Pro has been very useful in adding small details and helping to portray the theme of our music video. It allowed us to zoom in on our shots and edit the lip syncing to perfection, which is a skill that is essential for the production of our music video.

To change the position and scale of our shots we used the tools below. This also helped us to keyframe some shots to add some additional movement to keep the video engaging for the audience. Keyframes are points where the start and end of an animation takes place. Keyframes can be used for virtually any attribute in Premiere Pro; zooms, position, audio levels, color filters etc. But we used keyframes for the zoom and position parameters.


We used basic colour correction frequently to experiment using multiple colours to not only engage the audience but to portray our star image as she is a vibrant and bright individual which we want to successfully portray. We also used this to correct some shots which were slightly over exposed or when we wanted to extenuate some of the bright colours shown in the shots. We are using this editing technique to encode a the particular set of ideologies for our star, which include showing her as whimsical, flamboyant that creates more entertainment for the audience.

Additionally, when filming we had the idea to reverse and rotate some shots to work with the fast pace of the music and to potray the bubbly energy from the star. One shot that worked particularly well for this idea was our cartwheel clip which we duplicated to created the sense of the star going back on herself. This movement displayed the youthful and active personality from the juvenile star even when she is not lip syncing.

For inspiration for possible effects we may use in our music video we decided to do some research by watching videos. Here’s a few we decided to look at:


Overall, these videos allowed us to think of possible effects we will want to add in the future of our production of our music video. As well as the basic skills and techniques we have discovered has allowed us to successfully create our first rough draft of our music video.

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