Teacher Feedback – screen castify

To receive a second opinion Mr Gregson recorded a Screen castify of our music video. This was useful as we can watch the video over and take notes of the improvements we need to make on our video to make it as successful as possible.


Positive feedback:

  • Strong footage.
  • Good use of successful frame within a frame which conveys his confinement.
  • Clear performance and some really successful clips throughout.
  • Good use of jump cut at the beginning.
  • Range of different shots e.g. close ups and long shots.
  • Good sequence at 2.46 of the montage of the boxing club.

Areas for improvement:

  • Ensure the narrative is clear as it needs to fit the serious and somber theme.
  • Make sure to edit to the beat to relate to the song.
  • Keep using the different shots of the ring throughout the video as it is the main symbol of his anguish.
  • Play with the narrative and distinguish it from the performance by playing with effects and colour.

I am pleased with the comments Mr Gregson gave for our video as we can now use his comments to improve on our video and reflect on what we have done successfully. To develop our video we will use his constructive feedback and creative ideas to talk together as a group on areas where we should change and improve. We will start by duplicating our draft 2 to make our improvements as we can go back if we are not happy with our changes. We will also add in the suitable shots that were recommended in certain places and correct the colouring of each shot to distinguish between the performance and narrative. As well as ensure all of the lip syncing is perfected and edit to the beat and add transitions and effects that fit with the serious and somber theme of the music so the two link together.

As a group we agreed we thought Mr Gregson’s idea of changing the colour of our narrative to black and white was a great idea and could work successfully in our video as it would distinguish between the narrative and the performance. It would also make it clear to the audience that Tyler is dealing with the emotions of a heartbreak and the sorrow and anguish that comes with this process, as he is feeling that there is no colour in his life. We would also like to experiment with the idea of colour coming back into the narrative at the end of the video after he has let his rage and resentment out on his opponment. This would reflect that he is left almost relieved and comforted from his fight as the intensity helped elevate his mood by taking his mind off his grief.

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