A New Improved Feature Article

This is my final new and improved article which I completed by doing the amendments my teacher had set me. The changes I made are:

  • I changed the name of my star from “Kira Totty” to “Kira K” so it’s more easy to read for the reader and flows more in the text.
  • I made the few grammar adjustments I had to change to make my article easy to read.
  • Finally I changed a few phrases to make the article make more sense and making sure each topic is described in the appropriate paragraph.

From making the correct changes to my article I hope that my article is now easy to read, flows and is interesting to my reader. However, a target I have is to add a conclusion to my article so the ending to my magazine isn’t abrupt and ends quickly.

Draft Feature Article

This is my draft article for my double page spread. Click on the image to see the PDF.

Here is my voice memo of my article:

From recording this I was able to listen for mistakes that I made including:

  • A few words spelt incorrectly
  • Punctuation mistakes- missing commas so the article didn’t flow as well as it could.

Targets my teacher set me are:

  • Changing phrases to make the article more interesting
  • Fixing grammar mistakes
  • Changing the stars name to make it more interesting

Language Analysis

For this task, I analysed an article from a professional music magazine and consider how it is written. In particular, I considered the target audience and evaluated how the written word fulfils the needs, uses and pleasure of this particular media text.

The needs, uses and pleasures for the target audience includes:

  • Up to date information (gigs, trends, available media…)
  • Fashion ideas / new looks
  • Gaining an insight into stars’ lives and personalities
  • A reflection of their own values, attitudes and beliefs


 The article that I will be analysing is ‘Billboard (June 20th), HudMo’s Genreless Genius, written by Meaghan Garvey‘. By analyzing an article it is expanding my understanding of articles found in music magazines and how they draw in the target audience. The article structure consists of a four paragraph, album review. From reading the article there is a lack of presence from the journalist as his voice is only portrayed rarely through some of his own opinions. For example, ‘Mohawke transcends any pigeonholing once and for all, offering a polished vision of his genre-agnostic world’, this is one of the writers few complex opinions in the text as he goes in detail showing his own views on the album. The opinions from the journalist gives a very direct tone to the flow of the article, and focuses on the history and background of the album. Even though there are no personal pronouns being used as evidence the article is written from the 1st persons perspectives because the article revolves around the album.

The first part of the article describes the history of the album by talking about the artists past albums. At the end of the article the opinion from the journalist is summarized when he writes ” It’s a welcome deviation, and a clean slate, for a guy who doesn’t like to stay in one place too long.” This statement is very humorous for the writer as he’s trying to keep the audience interested in the article. The writer uses a lot of complex adjectives into the article to describe the music album such as, “murky psychedelics”, “grandiosity shines brightest.” these adjectives keep the reader interested in the article because they are unusual words and not boring for the audience to keep reading. 

To conclude the journalist portrays through the article that the album is successful, strong and unique. The writers purpose was to let the audience see what was included in the album and whether it is worth the money for them to buy themselves.  Through the writing, he gives his own opinions and focuses on the artist’s past to give the reader background to the album.

Production Meeting Agenda For 2nd Photo Shoot and Risk Assessment

For my shoot, I’m going to Castle Cornet to take pictures of my models Kira Totty and Amy Grief. I’m in charge of directing my models and responsible for my camera to take the pictures. I’ve chosen Kira to wear a fur jacket as well as a bright yellow top and Amy will be wearing a floral dress with boots.

Here is my risk assessment and production meeting agenda sheets:


A New Improved Front Page

This is my new improved cover for my pop magazine. I have listened to my peer media students feedback and made the appropriate changes to my magazine:

  • I re-positioned and added more text to the my cover including pugs, headlines and quotes from my star.
  • I changed fonts and added more bright colours to my magazine so that it would become more attractive to my target audience.
  • I feel like the colour choices fit my genre as well as my fonts are feminine and elegant similar to the mise-en-scene used for my model.

From making the changes to my magazine I hope that I have successfully improved the front cover to my magazine and will attract my target audience. However although I am happy with the big improvements I’ve made to my cover, I still feel like:

  • the image on the front of my cover isn’t the best image I could of chosen as I feel the star does not look confident and empowered which is the key message I want to get across through my magazine.
  • Next I will change my photo and background to fit my mise-en-scene I wanted to achieve.

Draft of Front Page

Here is my first draft of my cover for my pop magazine. I asked another media student to comment on my magazine on their opinions of my fonts, design, pictures and layout.


Some targets that my peer had discussed with me include:

  • Incorporating more bright colours into the design.
  • Add a pug and headlines for more detail to the magazine
  • Re-position some of the text and change fonts

First Shoot Contact Sheets

From doing my shoot, I managed to meet the aims from my Production Meeting Agenda successfully. I used all the accessories and added extra props to make my models look more effective. As well as setting up all of my flash lighting by linking to my camera which created the right amount of lighting on my model.

Here are the contact sheets from my Simply Pop music magazine photoshoot:


My best images from my shoot:

The images below are my favorite pictures I took from my shoot. This is because they portray my model as feisty, empowered and confident through the use of mise-en scene used.

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