Draft of Content Page

Here is my draft contents page for my music magazine. I kept my design simple but I still think I can add and improve to this draft to make it successful and link to my pop genre.

In my design I included the following:

  • Hyperbole and superlatives in headlines
  • Images and word clues
  • Graphic illustrations and designs
  • Reminder of the magazine’s name and mission statement
  • Appropriate fonts

The next improvements I would like to make to my contents page will be:

  • Re-position images
  • Change layout of the contents
  • Add page numbers/ dates

What is a Contents Page?

For this task, I hand drew some draft layouts to plan for my contents page and thought of some catchy headlines that I can use in my own contents page for my magazine. This task helped me to come up with some ideas and inspiration so I now have an image in my head of what my contents page will look like. These are the plans that I made:


These are some components that I found are including in a lot of magazines on their contents page:

  • Editors hello
  • Page numbers
  • Hyperbole and superlatives in headlines
  • Images and word clues
  • Graphic illustrations and designs
  • Reminder of the magazine’s name and mission statement

Other components I need to consider when making my contents page is:

  • AIDA-
    • A- Attract
    • I- Interest
    • D- Create desire
    • A- Call to action
  • Entertain
  • Inform/Educate
  • Social Interaction
  • Personal identity

It’s also important to tempt, tease and intrigue and use hyperbole, superlative, descriptive and alliteration when making a contents page to make it as interesting and attracting to the audience.


Design Skills 1

From creating my front cover for my magazine and starting to design my double page spread, I have taught myself many new skills using Photoshop and InDesign to begin to create a successful magazine. From learning these skills I have created my magazine to fit my genre and portray it effectively however I would of liked to learn some more complex skills as well.

Some examples of new skills I have made on Photoshop include:

  • Selection Tools

This tool helped me when making my front cover so I could remove the background from my image and create a new one without the model being affected. This means I could create a new background to fit my genre of pop and attracting my target audience.

  • Retouching tools

Both these tools enabled me to clear any blemishes/imperfections on my model to give her the perfect star image being youthful, and lively.

These tools helped me to perfect my image by enhancing some features of my models to help give her that young energetic, bubbly star image.


A New Improved DPS

After listening to all my feedback on my first draft of my double page spread, I have created a new improved version with all the appropriate changes I needed to make. Some of the changes I made to my double page spread are:

  • Increasing the saturation of the photo so it’s more bright and interesting.
  • Adding shapes and borders to make the pages more attractive to the audience.
  • Changing fonts and colours to fit theme of my magazine.
  • Making quotes larger or bold to make them noticed by audience.
  • Adding page numbers and By Line.

This is my new version:

Overall, I am reasonably pleased with my double page spread however there are still a few changes I would like to make to it.

The next changes I would like to make to my double page spread would be:

  • Adding a by line to credit the photographer of the photo.
  • Changing the colour of quotes to white
  • Bring my model down in the picture
  • Making my stand first stand out as it’s an introduction to the article but doesn’t stand out enough.

Feedback & Reflection on Draft DPS

Feedback from my peers are:

  • Up the saturation of the picture to brighten the image to make it look more interesting
  • Add page numbers
  • Add a byline so it’s more professional showing who wrote the article.

Feedback from my teacher:

  • Make quotes more bold and bigger to stand out to the reader.
  • Up the saturation so the image isn’t as dull and boring.
  • Look at other double page spreads for inspiration to make the pages interesting.

From listening to my peers and teacher’s feedback I will make the changes that are necessary to my double page spread in order to make it successful and include the components needed.

Second Shoot Contact Sheet(s)

Overall, my shoot was successful and I produced many strong photos that have an appropriate use of mise-en-scene for my pop genre. As well as modelling for two other media students I dressed my models up in outfits I had prepared in my Production Agenda Meeting. We got to go to different locations and I was allocated Castle Cornet, this was a good place to take pictures as there was many different backgrounds to take pictures, such as lots of gardens and green areas as well as old doors and staircases. The day was very successful as I achieved many strong images which I can use for my double page spread.

Here are my contact sheets from my second photo shoot.





These are my strongest images from my shoot:



A New Improved Feature Article

This is my final new and improved article which I completed by doing the amendments my teacher had set me. The changes I made are:

  • I changed the name of my star from “Kira Totty” to “Kira K” so it’s more easy to read for the reader and flows more in the text.
  • I made the few grammar adjustments I had to change to make my article easy to read.
  • Finally I changed a few phrases to make the article make more sense and making sure each topic is described in the appropriate paragraph.

From making the correct changes to my article I hope that my article is now easy to read, flows and is interesting to my reader. However, a target I have is to add a conclusion to my article so the ending to my magazine isn’t abrupt and ends quickly.

Draft Feature Article

This is my draft article for my double page spread. Click on the image to see the PDF.

Here is my voice memo of my article:

From recording this I was able to listen for mistakes that I made including:

  • A few words spelt incorrectly
  • Punctuation mistakes- missing commas so the article didn’t flow as well as it could.

Targets my teacher set me are:

  • Changing phrases to make the article more interesting
  • Fixing grammar mistakes
  • Changing the stars name to make it more interesting
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