September 17

Genre Analysis of Pan’s Labyrinth

5 reasons that Pan’s Labyrinth fits the genre of Fantasy

  • It is set in a magical forest and this Mis En scene is used in other fantasy films.
  • There are fairies and monsters, this you might see in other fantasy films.
  • It has an Evil villain that is killed at end of the film, this theme is common in this Genre.
  • Magical items are displayed in pan’s Labyrinth, such as the book and these items are shown in other fantasy films.
  •  In Fantasy each character has a side kick to help them on their journey Ofelia has Pan.

5 reasons that Pan’s Labyrinth doesn’t fits the genre of Fantasy

    • The writer in Pan’s Labyrinth borrows the genre of War to add to Fantasy, the influence from War adds dark violence and racism to the genre of fantasy making the film more interesting.
  • Fantasy films usually have a happy ending and this Film doesn’t have one as the main character dies at the end of the film to the Villain.
  • This Film combines War with fantasy making it a lot more unique and in this film we see both sides of War and Fantasy, this is not very common in this genre.
  • Most Films of this genre are fun and have childish humour but this film is more mature and focuses on the horrors of War. It follows a traumatised child and we see how she copes with the terrible life she’s living.
  • The homes in Most Fantasy films are peaceful and warm but in Pan’s Labyrinth the protagonists home is horrendous and unbearable therefore she wants to leave and enter the labyrinth.

Posted 17th September 2020 by bengrut in category Genre

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