Rough 40 second performance

In this task we were challenged to create a 45 second video with just the performance footage we gathered last week.

To get the performance shots we went to the prison lanes. We arrived at the prison lanes at 9am and walked down the lane towards the abandoned shack half way down covered in graffiti. We got our money shots in and around the building, changing the angle and distance between the camera and the performer.

What Went Well – We filmed the entire first sections of the song multiple times in many different locations. I believe our lip syncing was very good and our variation of shot was good. I think the shack was a very good location for the shoot.

Improvements – In the location there was only this building not much else. We could’ve got our performer to do more expressions and get more funky shots. We didn’t get many shots of the seconds half of the song because our performer struggled with the words, an improvement would be for him to learn them before.

this helps represent our star as calm, easy to approach and maybe even a little sad. In our Narrative film session I think we need to get a couple more shots of Max performing the second half of the song just so we have more of a selection.

Focus forward – I believe for our music we need to make sure our star image is represented properly. for our narrative shoot we need to use a better variation of shots, angles and camera techniques to improve our video.


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