Shoot 1 reflection (Performance)

In order to create out music video we had so perform a production shoot, whereby we collected footage to use in our music video. We had to select a location suitable for out genre and the Mes En Scene to go along with it. The performance consisted of lip syncing and rather dull movement. Below are some images from the shoot.

Below is a image taken before the shoot showing off our performers outfit.

What went well:

  • Our planning prior to the shoot was worth while
  • As a group we were able to collect a vast array of shots.
  • The Mes En Scene, that as a group, we came to a decision on was effective and played a substantial part when trying to connote important themes and issues.
  • As a group we worked well together, we all contributed ideas.
  • all our skills allowed us to provide a quality piece.

What needs improving:

  • needed some more interesting shots, funky transitions and pans, tracking shots, ped shots.
  • filming in a public area made it common for people to walk past and disturb recording.
  • Even though the main background is fitting for our song there wasn’t much else around so we struggled to find other places.
  • Could’ve done with more of a variety of shots


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