Test shoot – Otherside

In the process of creating our music video we were required to have a test shoot, where we took a collection of clips using a variety of different shots. For example we had an over the shoulder shot, wide shots and close ups. We had to have a performer dress to convey our star image, accurately lip syncing our chosen song “Otherside”. After the shoot we collected all our clips and created a short video. We then took this video premier pro and added effects.

What went well:

  • As a group we were able to put together a selection of clips and edited them in premier pro. 
  • Our Mes en scene accurately portrayed the themes and star we were going for. 
  • We included editing features in the final product like black to black, dissolve and added a white and black filter.


  • In the test shoot we struggle with focusing the camera, so we need to improve on that in the real shoot.
  • We need to gather more clips and different shots in the real shoot.
  • Need more angles and shots
  • The locations was very cramped and we struggled to work in this small area with the camera.

We need to take this information into the real shoot and create a very satisfying music video. The test shoot really help us gain experience and learn from our mistakes.

Magazine advert


Advert 1

Advert 2

Advert 3 

Advert 4

I chose these adverts because I think they’ll mesh well with my target audience and it matches my magazine.

My magazine is aimed towards young people and most young people know and watch shows on Netflix.

Bose is a popular, high quality company which produces music equipment like headphone, speakers and microphones.

McDonalds is very popular and everyone knows about it.

Gucci is a high quality, popular clothing brand which is seen as a premium which will also make my magazine seem premium.


My 3rd drafts

Complete changed the colour to match the other pages and I found the pink a bit overwhelming and didn’t fit the theme.. Bar across the bottom listing BIG artists names and graphics surrounding the competition to draw your eyes in. New coverlines and changed the rainbow triangle to a blue V to match the contents pages V.

Changed the colours to match, added a page number and added ‘The single, Robyn sherbourne’ along the line of the V to fill the space and tell the reader who the girl stood there is.

Moved the picture to the bottom left and added a caption, moved the ‘continue reading…’ to the right and surrounded it with graphics to fill the space.

Front page:

  • make her bigger
  • Different colour somewhere, purple/pink
  • move and change the price font
  • another coverline
  • shadow on masthead

Contents page:

  • page 3*
  • change font
  • His* lyrics
  • capital S
  • change number sizes

double page spread:

  • change squashed image
  • center the top line
  • Fix cap
  • Quote on the big image
  • Change questions fonts and colour


Double page spread draft 2


What’s New: I edited the image in photoshop and changed the masthead, made it bigger and removed the box next to it. Added graphics above the article, improved the columns and the questions being bold. Sorted the image and added and a ‘continue’ line at the bottom.

  • connect continue reading to the end of the article
  • caption the inset
  • bold the standfirst
  • drop capital for J in Jackie where article starts
  • dehyphenate
  • crop the inset to get rid of the fire sign
  • use the white lines at the bottom somewhere or elsewhere?
  • quite a wide bleed and slug area on the right hand side


Double page spread Draft

Below is my first drive of my double page spread

click for higher quality image, for some reason the big image is blurred and but I assure you it isn’t.

5 things I need to improve on:

  • Need to make the columns of text the same size
  • Edit the photos in photoshop more (was limited because it kept crashing)
  • Maybe make the text wrap better to the shapes on the pages
  • Better paragraphing and drop the hyphens
  • Add some boxes on the images
  • add some graphics in photoshop

This will prepare for my final piece because practice makes perfect and I know what looks good and bad.


Article Draft


In this task I needed to plan/drafts my article for my double page spread, I wanted to go for a upcoming  artist or artists. I didn’t to want to make it too long and wordy because I don’t think my target audience would’ve liked that. Below is my plan.

Below is my Draft article on Max and Jackie


This draft will prepare me for when I do the real deal. Below is me reading the article