Magazine advert


Advert 1

Advert 2

Advert 3 

Advert 4

I chose these adverts because I think they’ll mesh well with my target audience and it matches my magazine.

My magazine is aimed towards young people and most young people know and watch shows on Netflix.

Bose is a popular, high quality company which produces music equipment like headphone, speakers and microphones.

McDonalds is very popular and everyone knows about it.

Gucci is a high quality, popular clothing brand which is seen as a premium which will also make my magazine seem premium.


My 3rd drafts

Complete changed the colour to match the other pages and I found the pink a bit overwhelming and didn’t fit the theme.. Bar across the bottom listing BIG artists names and graphics surrounding the competition to draw your eyes in. New coverlines and changed the rainbow triangle to a blue V to match the contents pages V.

Changed the colours to match, added a page number and added ‘The single, Robyn sherbourne’ along the line of the V to fill the space and tell the reader who the girl stood there is.

Moved the picture to the bottom left and added a caption, moved the ‘continue reading…’ to the right and surrounded it with graphics to fill the space.

Front page:

  • make her bigger
  • Different colour somewhere, purple/pink
  • move and change the price font
  • another coverline
  • shadow on masthead

Contents page:

  • page 3*
  • change font
  • His* lyrics
  • capital S
  • change number sizes

double page spread:

  • change squashed image
  • center the top line
  • Fix cap
  • Quote on the big image
  • Change questions fonts and colour


Double page spread draft 2


What’s New: I edited the image in photoshop and changed the masthead, made it bigger and removed the box next to it. Added graphics above the article, improved the columns and the questions being bold. Sorted the image and added and a ‘continue’ line at the bottom.

  • connect continue reading to the end of the article
  • caption the inset
  • bold the standfirst
  • drop capital for J in Jackie where article starts
  • dehyphenate
  • crop the inset to get rid of the fire sign
  • use the white lines at the bottom somewhere or elsewhere?
  • quite a wide bleed and slug area on the right hand side


Double page spread Draft

Below is my first drive of my double page spread

click for higher quality image, for some reason the big image is blurred and but I assure you it isn’t.

5 things I need to improve on:

  • Need to make the columns of text the same size
  • Edit the photos in photoshop more (was limited because it kept crashing)
  • Maybe make the text wrap better to the shapes on the pages
  • Better paragraphing and drop the hyphens
  • Add some boxes on the images
  • add some graphics in photoshop

This will prepare for my final piece because practice makes perfect and I know what looks good and bad.


Article Draft


In this task I needed to plan/drafts my article for my double page spread, I wanted to go for a upcoming  artist or artists. I didn’t to want to make it too long and wordy because I don’t think my target audience would’ve liked that. Below is my plan.

Below is my Draft article on Max and Jackie


This draft will prepare me for when I do the real deal. Below is me reading the article

Location Shoot Contact sheet

We went into town on Tuesday the 8th of December 2020 to do a location shoot, our shoot was in town. We had a hour and a half to get as many photos with two models we were assigned. My hour and a half slot was 9-10:30 and my two models were Jackie Best and Max Burrows. I asked then to dress like hip hop/rap artists. They almost ended up looking like road men which I kinda liked.

In this hour and a half we had to get a decent amount of photos, I managed to get 110 phots but the 3 bellow are my favourite.

Above are my 3 favourite photos from my location shoot in town. I like the first two because of the layering and positioning of my two model, I like the third one as like a entire page spread picture because the two models are posed well and I like the lighting.

Meeting Agenda

Bellow is my production meeting agenda for my 2nd shoot in St Peter Port for my magazine.

This is my plan for my shoot in town. Creating this meeting agenda helps the photographer and the models know what to bring to create the right Mise en scene with the costume, props, angles and proximity. I will also use the environment in the magazine to create contrast if necessary. Not sure if I need props or I don’t know what would add to the image.

Language Analysis


The Article 

The article is ‘Adam lambert: Don’t look back’, from Billboard magazine on the 20th of june 2015. This article is a interview on Lambert talking about his life at the moment and how he’s dealing with it.

The structure

The first thing you see as the reader is the headline, the headline needs to be interesting and make the reader want to read on. The head line ‘Adam lambert: don’t look back’ does very well at this. This headline gives the reader an idea what the article is going to be about but not too much to ruin the interest and not to little for them not to both, you can tell from the headline that the magazine is going to be a insight into lamberts life.

Under the headline is the standfirst. This gives a little more detail about what the main article is about, in this instance the standfirst is a shortened version of lamberts career with quotes to grab the readers attention.

The first paragraph of the article is key because it has to be interesting to get the readers attention. The paragraph opens with a quote from Lambert ‘It’s hard for me to be happy with things’, soon after this quote there is another going on about he finds it hard to be happy with himself and he wants to know why. This start to the article is showing the vulnerability of a massive name in the media, this creates a connection with the reader because you feel like you can relate. The reader then wants to find out how he has problems when he has so much money and a high status.

After this first paragraph which should’ve done  a good job at grabbing attention, the article goes on about how his career started and his upcoming releases briefly referring to the label. He also talks about his achievements and awards in his career. This makes the reader feel closer to lambert almost like you know him on a personal level.

Presence of the journalist

The journalist’s is present throughout the article when not directly quoting from Lambert. There are no opinions in the article from the journalist and they have taken Lamberts word and made them into their own to let it flow better and easier for the reader.

Language and aim

The journalist had to keep the reader interested using a mix of interesting and engaging vocabulary to go through lamberts story. When describing Lambert the journalist uses phrases like ‘a sexually ambiguous rocker with a flair for operatic shrieks and studded leather outfits’.


Contents page first draft

Bellow is my draft of my contents page

I got one of my peers to asses my contents page and say what was good and what needs improving for when I do my second draft or real thing. This feedback will help because then I can use it to make my contents page excellent.



What type of shots have been used to create a variety of shot distances and how has the camera been used to communicate meaning?  

This is a mid shot in the page make sure to put more variety of range in pages.

What choice of Mise en scene is appropriate for the star image and genre?

The make up fits and so does the outfit. The model looks relaxed. I feel a more aggressive or interesting picture with something a bit more fitting to rap.

How far is the font used readable and reflects the genre?

The font is readable but may look better if spaced out more.

What technical conventions of a Contents page are present and used effectively?  

Well laid out

How has Indesign been used to layout the page to convey a brand?

 Layout is good but needs to have more branding to make it recognisable, maybe a logo?

How well have the text and visuals been integrated together?

The text and the visuals have been integrated well with colors and themes working well together with the visuals.

Where has photoshop been used to manipulate the photos to enhance the star image or genre? 

The photo has been cut out and done well in photoshop nothing needing to be changed

 How is the language used appropriate for the genre and target audience?

Language is good yet maybe some more interesting titles to catch attention

He gave it a Level 4 in the end.


Things to improve on:

  • Take more shots from different angles and heights
  • Maybe make my artists more aggressive and rappy?
  • Space font better
  •  Needs the Brand logo somewhere
  • More interesting catching titles


What is a Contents page?

Bellow are some contents pages of rap magazines, I did this to get an idea of what mine should look like, With the cover lines, page numbers and how the information is displayed. I can use these to see what attracts my target audience (AIDA). Similarities include a large shot of a rap artist, page numbers and brief descriptions of whats on the page.


  • Future Features
  • Ears to the Streets
  • Competition
  • Interviews and reviews
  • Way to the top

I need slogans on the contents page to make the reader want to buy and carry on reading the magazine, we don’t want to spoil too much in the slogans because otherwise they wont want to read on.

Above are some templates of contents pages I drew, To help me pick one for my draft and final.