Feedback from teacher screencastify

We’ve  also had to create a social media page to go along with out music video and digipak. The social media page is a place to create your star image and create exitement for your upcomign album and music video. On your SMP you need posts to really create character like personal post so your star feel really normal to the audience and post that make them seem extraordinary like shows and tours. You can also include brand deals and cross media convergence to increase your stars foot print.

Above is a screencastify on my Social media page done by my teacher. This will help me make improvements on the page and hopefully making it a better experience for the views but also helping my grade.

Improvements –

  • reply to messages
  • Album post
  • Personal belief Post


Social Media Terminology

In this task we had to research and artist or bands social media page either on facebook, instagram or twitter and identify their key features/terms.

This task will help me in the near future when I go to create my own social media page. I now know what a conventional social media page looks like from a succesful band/artist and I’ll be able to bring this reseach over to mine making mine as close to the real deal as possible.


This post is to show proof that the illustrations are mine and that I didnt take images off google and just use them. I took the picture of the skull on the left in class time on my phone. I then moved the image to drive and played with it in photoshop, changing the shading and adding fire to the eyes to work with the background of my front cover.

DP mock up

In this task we had to create a mock up of what we invision our Digipak looking like.

This task will help me in the future because now I have a clear idea of what I have to do.

A look book

In this task we had to create a look book in padlet. In this look book we had to colate a bunch of images and ideas from other aritist of the same genre to see the connventions and what they offer.