
This post is to show proof that the illustrations are mine and that I didnt take images off google and just use them. I took the picture of the skull on the left in class time on my phone. I then moved the image to drive and played with it in photoshop, changing the shading and adding fire to the eyes to work with the background of my front cover.

DP mock up

In this task we had to create a mock up of what we invision our Digipak looking like.

This task will help me in the future because now I have a clear idea of what I have to do.

A look book

In this task we had to create a look book in padlet. In this look book we had to colate a bunch of images and ideas from other aritist of the same genre to see the connventions and what they offer.

Textual Analysis of Genre, Star Image and Formal / Technical Conventions of a digipak 🔍

In this task we had to do a textual analysis on a digipak from a band of my genre. 🎵 The band we chose was Primus and these photos are the back and front of their digipak.

Conventions 👇

  • Barcode – for shops
  • Band name –  Helps promote the album and help fans identify it’s their album and what to expect.
  • album title – Gives it a identity
  • song names – So you know what you are buying into and maybe some of the song names will intrigue you.
  • Publisher
  • Copy right stuff –  People can’t use your music

The digipak cover is Playful and interesting but at the same time the font at the top is mouldy, grimmy and Rebellious. The colours are dark so the digipak relies more on the interesting image to catch peoples attention. The Brand name and album name are very easily identifiable with the disgusting font. The pig 🐷 burping matches the name of the album ‘Pork Soda’ and it’s meant to be the main eye catching piece and it will make the audience make a double take. This cover promotes the band as quirky and out of the ordinary maybe making some people more interested and you can then kinda get the jist of what the music will be like. The titel ‘pork soda’ makes no sense how can pork be soda. The back is fairly boring so you can really focus on the artists music and the funny, funcky front.

Mission Statement and Marketing Strategy

In this task I had to create a google drive and include various aspects and complete brief notes. These aspects included researching my target audience and competitors. I also had to come up with a USP and a call to action, so what am I actually going to do?? This task will help in the future because it provides a clear outline to what I am going to do and how to sytle my Digipak.

Mission statement –

Remedy putting a cold breeze into the UK funk rock scene. Cold Remedy are back with a brand new album which aspires to skyrockets to NUMBER 1!  ‘The Sky Will Shake’ Combines all your favourite rock genres to even please the Beefiest of critics. Cold Remedy is seeking his 4th Major musical award to add to his already impressive trophy cabinet.