Final Mini pitch


My final mini pitch talks of the finalised ideas for my music video. Our music video uses the song I put forward (Otherside – Red Hot Chilli Peppers), which talks of prior addictions and the battles in which individuals have to go through to be successful. In our music video, we will be representing these ideas through both an amplified/illustrative narrative and performance. We have decided on how our star image will be represented throughout the production, the types of themes and issues which will occur within the video and the sort of promotion the video will provide for our audience. We will be discussing this pitch with our teacher, putting forward our ideas and we will receive feedback as to whether it will be suitable. As a result of completing this task, it aids our group massively with preparation for our music video, becoming more familiar with plans and keeping track of our organisational skills.

Previous students work

This is a music video made by a previous student. In this task I’m going to analyse and deconstruct the video and see what made it good.

Cuts and edits to the beat really make the video have a energetic feel. The performance all together is really good, the scenery, the Mes En Scene and the lip syncing are all on point. The different camera angles and special edits really makes the video high quality and more enjoyable to watch.

The narrative is simple and easy to understand and matches the performers. It shows and Lead singer with a guitar and two other people playing instruments dressed as cowboys. The narrative is a Boy who  falls in love with a girl and ends up getting arrested for trespassing. He breaks out to go see the girl her likes.

The Mes en scene is all perfect with everyone sticking to that cowboy dress vibe. The land owners look like land owners. People showing their personality, the acting is good.


My Mini Pitch

My mini pitch consist of me making a power where I decide what song I would like to put forward to my group for our music video. On this power point me also had to create word clouds, Mes, star image and the narrative behind the song. The slides have ideas of what you would want your star to be wearing images and ideas. Our group will make a final decision on the song and we’ll make another power point to present to our teacher.


In this task we made a story board of all the events that will happen in our montage, our montage has the theme of frustration so we designed this story to be full of it.

This story board will help us when we come to shoot the film because we won’t have to think and brain storm and waste time whilst trying to actually shoot it.

After being randomly assigned a theme we created our story boards to help us plan and create our montage. Our theme was frustration, so we decided on having multiply people failing and getting angry with themselves and then succeeding in the end. In this task I learnt how to record on a camera and the technique on shooting with the 1,2,3 rule and then action, this allows space for you then to cut in premier pro. In this task I also learnt how to use the program premier pro. We uploaded the video to YouTube to then be able to embed it into the blog.

  • Got a load of shots done
  • Range of shots
  • Clear story

Our weaknesses would include that we didn’t get too many reaction shot of our characters expressing their feelings we also ran out of time so we couldn’t complete the narrative so it doesn’t really make sense at the end.