Social media page story board


For this task I had to create a story board of what I’m going to post on my social media page in order. This post will keep me organised and make it easier to be prepared for the upcoming posts. Knowing what to do way before doing it is really helpful.

Contents page 2nd draft

The main change on the 2nd draft is that I changed the font and lined up all the numbers to make it look less scruffy and finished. The font for the contents masthead was lost so I had to opt for a different one and I chose this one.

  • 3. needs more info so that it doesn’t crash with the one below
  • Rhyme needs a capital letter
  • more of the yellow above
  • more cover lines?
  • who is she…caption her
  • page number
  • look at the online spacing…equal?
  • check justification
  • space top left….so add in something else?

Front page 2nd draft

In the second draft of the front page I complete changed the colour scheme and edited a neon triangle around Jackies head in photoshop. I also laid loads of triangles in the background to try give it depth.

  • banner across the bottom?
  • more cover ,lines
  • add different colours to the coverlines?
  • smaller line spacing with the main coveline
  • make her bigger
  • What’s popping? typos
  • the new face goes with main cover line and the competition in a pub?
  • Post’s
  • masthead stand out more – more strike? shadow?