So…How is it going?

When designing my magazine I had a rough idea of what I wanted it to look like, but I struggled a bit as there aren’t many drum and bass magazines around. So I mostly took my inspiration from colour schemes from album colours and photo shoots of drum and bass DJs so I could see what type of costumes they wear and how they are modeling for the photo. Once I had researched what I needed to, I had a much clearer idea of how I wanted my magazine to look.

I found that most font types for this genre were almost glitchy and seemed rebellious, so the font I chose off Dafont fit perfectly. I called my magazine RAVE as generally drum and bass parties are called raves. This is very to the point and I think by reading the title you will have some kind of idea of what genre the magazine is. For other titles and main text, I found a font on InDesign and changed the width, how close the letters were and the size of it to try and make it my own and look different from the original font.

I think the images I took for my magazine cover, contents page and DPS convey the genre clearly. The use of props on the front cover show that the main cover star is a DJ as the main cover line is also about the star. The contents page images I find show the rebellious side of the genre, with one of my stars stood in front of a police station. To conclude, I think the typeface and images clearly show what genre the magazine is and that the consumer would easily be able to differentiate this genre from other music magazines.

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