Prelim Task Mood Montage

A montage by definition is the technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together separate sections of film to form a continuous whole. To create our montages we had to work in groups of three. First we had to plan out what the montage would be about. We started by picking out possible themes for our montage from a sheet our teacher had given us, my team picked out the the ‘practice makes perfect’ and also chose words such as victory and failure as the base for our montage. Then we had to create a story board  with about 15 shots, and each shot had to have an explanation of what was happening in the scene how we would shoot it. We managed to plan shots that were medium, long, close up, establishing shot etc to create a full plan that had everything covered that we wanted covered.

Do you think your montage has an impact?

Yes I think that our montage had impact and was effective but I think there were some extra things we could have done to add more.

 Do you get a sense of feeling or story / relationship?

I think that we didn’t create a story in the sense that we didn’t give the montage a beginning, middle or end but we I think there was a clear story going on even without the order to it.

 How does one specified cuts create meaning? Please use time codes to identify the cut in question.

The cut 35 seconds in created a fast paced sequence which I think showed off well what we were trying to create which was a fast paced training scene.

Is there a sense of progression or are you trying just to reflect an experience?

There isn’t much progression throughout because we didn’t want to show a clear story in the montage.  So I think that our montage shows an experience of training more than show a progressive story.

Do you use repetition of some shots? If so, how do they help communicate your idea?

We did use some repetition  when we used very similar shots at 15 seconds and 33 seconds.  we created these shots to show time passing and to show the actor was working hard.

What additional shot would you have liked to get to further communicate the idea?

I would have like a track or dolly shot to create some pace in the sequence but that would have been very difficult to create.



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