October 24

Communicating my Brand

Please click on the image to view my full moodboard

Above, I have created a moodboard on Pinterest about the pop genre which can help me in times when I have a mental block; it will help provide ideas for my magazine. Whilst researching, I considered my audience demographic.

In my moodboard I have included:

  • colour schemes, artists and fontsĀ that are relevant to the genre pop
  • layout and typography that is used in conventional pop music magazines
  • mise-en-scene (lighting, costume and make-up)
  • typical magazine front covers so that I can keep my magazine as conventional as possible, whilst also keeping it unique
  • artistsĀ surrounding the genre

I also carried out further research into:

  • music artists from 2000’s to present day
  • pop music album covers and tour posters
  • pop music magazines
  • a suitable colour palette
  • suitable fonts

Posted 24th October 2019 by elishahorsepool in category Component 1, Music Magazine

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