March 2

Prelim Task Mood Montage

Below is an image of my storyboard created to help my group plan for our shoot on making our montage. Our montage theme is being based on the title ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ and we aim to portray different shots of what people find beautiful through our images. We have included a variety of different shots such as mid shots, extreme close ups and extreme long shots in order to be able to portray the different views of people and what is beautiful in their own opinion.

Here is our final montage in which we edited clips together, added transitions, graphics and music in Premier Pro to create our final montage:

Some strengths of our video are:

  1. We have a variety of shots
  2. The music is upbeat and happy which illustrates our positive narrative
  3. Transitions such asĀ cross dissolve make the video fit together successfully and make it interesting for the audience to look at

Some weaknesses of our video are:

  1. Some shots are blurry and out of focus
  2. Some shots e.g. the lipstick shot isn’t interesting and there is a lot of empty space in the shot that needs to be filled (0:47)
  3. Some of the shots are static and would be more interesting if there was movement involved e.g. holding hands (0:19)

I have learnt that montage editing consists of shots that are composed in a fast-paced fashion. A montage traditionally compresses time and conveys a narrative in a short amount of time. This editing technique will help me with my music video production because it will help me to convey lots of information in a short amount of time, create tension, combine multiple storylines and convey a narrative and reveal characters. I have also learnt how to successfully use the basics of Adobe Premier Pro by learning how to edit clips, upload audio onto a video and how to compose a video.

I think that our montage has a positive impact on the audience because it has shots that convey happiness (0:07). Our narrative could have been portrayed more as it is not completely obvious that it is four different peoples perspective on what they think is beautiful. One specific cut that create meaning is at 0:46. This is a medium close up of someone waving at the camera, implying that they are friendly. The emotion of happiness is also conveyed because they are smiling. There isn’t a sense of progression in our montage however there is a journey in our montage as we see each individual ‘storyline’ of what each person thinks is beautiful. We repeated some shots like extreme close ups and mid shots to show the precise thing that was beautiful. I would have liked to have added some long shots and wide shots to get a wider picture and to get more in the shot. I would have also liked the shots to be the same length and that there were more in each perspective so that we got a wider range of beautiful things to create a better sense of a montage. This would have been easier to do if we could film off the school premises.

Focus forward has helped in basic editing and how to add in clips and edit cuts together to create the montage, which will benefit me for future in order to put my music video together successfully.

Posted 2nd March 2020 by elishahorsepool in category Component 3, Preliminary Tasks

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