Digipak Mockup


In this task, Harry and I created a roughly sketched plan to show what our digipak was going to look like. We created both our front page, double-page, and back page for this task.

These sketches are the 4 mockups we created. In the creation process, our ideas may change but it’s always good to have a base to work from.

The main idea we have stuck with is a golf-themed digipak. From previous tasks, we learned individuality was the main success in rap digipaks so we thought almost creating a parody-like product would be quite successful.

The front page will be a simplistic image of our star on a stall, so the audience can focus on his outfit/connotations. Almost like a Tyler the creator approach in his cricket jumper. The back page will also feature a golf dispenser, with the name of the songs listed on the digital screen. We’ll use bright colours to make the machine look digital and make it stand out as much as possible.

Tyler the Creator

The double-page spread will have our main character posing as well, and a golf ball will hold the cd inside of the digipak to continue the golf theme.

I think this task was really good to do, It was challenging to create our plan because both of us are not particularly good at drawing but our end result was very clear. We just need to remember to include some of those conventional features such as a bar-code, record labels etc when we create the real thing.

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