Chosen adverts


In this task, we researched some adverts which could be used in the inside cover of my magazine. I mostly looked at designer brands because I thought that would be the most suitable type of advertisement, and the research would be a much quicker process because it was the easiest for my demographic.

Adverts which best suited my magazine

I think this Golf Le Fleur advert works best for my magazine. It all adds up perfectly. It features a model wearing the sorts of clothes people consuming this product would usually wear, and the colour scheme works very well. It’s also really nice because it has a date which links to my front page, and is made around the same time / up to date.


I also think this Dior advert looks good too. It works extremely well with my front page, because both my models are wearing blazer jackets even though they are rappers, which continues to create that contrast I’m looking for. The brand also suites my demographic well too.


Both of these products use the Stuart Hall audience theory very well. The active audience I am acquiring from both of these adverts can challenge the encoded ideas inside… If I showed these products to someone who wasn’t interested in these adverts, the main ideas formulated from the cover stars wouldn’t pop out to them, because they would be familiar with who they are and their background.

I think this task was useful, because if I ever made this product I’m creating into a full magazine, it will allow me to think who am I trying to aim these adverts to, and what sort of demographic and psychographic am I really looking for. Some tasks I did a while ago, like creating the dating website, helped me with choosing these adverts, because I researched into who is actually part of my active audience. Additionally to this, it will make my Flip snack when I complete my magazine look more genuine and the extra pages will help make my magazine ‘flow’ smoothly.

CCR4 How did you integrate technologies (software, hardware and online) in this project?

Planning Document


Link to Piktochart –



How did your production skills develop throughout this project?


In this task, we wrote a letter to future students about how our production skills developed during our time as a Media Studies student. Then, when that was finished, we handed it in for feedback from our teacher then edited it to its final form. After the creation of our letter, we then put together a google slideshow which featured some images and examples corresponding to our skills, to make it into a nice readable format. I also added some more skills I didn’t mention into my letter, and wrote underneath each slide why this certain skill is relevant. after all this was completed, we finally recorded a narration of our slideshow on voice thread, making it into a nice presentation as its end result.







I think this task was good, and its a good eye opener looking back at everything we’ve achieve from right of the start of sixth form. The Voicethread task took me outside of my comfort zone, because i am not a particularly a good reader, so doing this, has made me feel more confident in a way, especially if we do the same in the future. I also think the letter has helped me achieve better essay writing skills, and made me more time efficient, because we didn’t have long to complete it.

Complete Magazine Draft 3


In this task, we attempted our 3rd drafts of our magazine. We received loads of feedback from our teacher, and since we’ve had so many redrafts, this was more of a clean up of my product. Now, I will hopefully be given some things to touch up on, and I will finally be able to make this into a proper magazine.

Front cover

Contents Page

Double Page Spread



I found this task very useful, because now I know the difference between the third draft of my pages , and a completed product. Now that I have some real in depth reflection, I feel so much more confident that my magazine will fulfil the purpose I’m looking for.

Things to improve on for my front cover: I’ll try and move the pug to the right a little bit, and add a white shadow possibly underneath it. / I’ll attempt to change the color underneath ‘Harry Ogier’ to white to see how it looks. / I will try and space out the writing on the left a bit more. / I’ll make the date less specific, and make it correspond to my contents page.

What I’ll do next with the contents page is : I’ll get rid of the lines in the subheadings, and possibly try a nice underline. / I will try and space out the page numbers more. / The ‘7Pioneer’ should change to ‘Pioneer7’ / I might see if I can change the image of Leon, because he looks sleepy. Need to make sure I don’t repeat Leon Simon, I could switch to a picture of Lois instead.

Things I’ll work on next for my double page spread: There’s some random white marks I need to polish up. / The triangle doesn’t work so I need to change or make it look better. / I spelt both Exclusive and Interview wrong. / I need to un-hyphenate the paragraphs./ I might change the color of ‘Lemons’ to Yellow, and possibly add more of that color to my page. / There’s a white line below my page which could possibly be a mistake. / I need to add a page number. / I need to add a made up photographer on my page. / I should shorten out the website of my magazine.



2nd draft of double page spread


In this task, I attempted a second draft of my double page spread, trying to further improve my first product from feedback from my teacher, and I also had a look at some of the professional products I researched to see if it had those key conventional features.


I changed the initial product a lot. I changed the whole color scheme to a more blue/white color palette, because I thought the yellow was a bit too much especially since it was being used as the primary color. I changed where the text was placed and I positioned it onto a nice filled shape so its more noticeable than being placed on the background. I got rid of the rectangular boxes where my article was placed, because I thought it ruined the aesthetic of the product. I also added a logo which looks like a Collab between lyrical lemonade and my magazine, which looked really cool in my opinion

I think what ill be doing next, is again, messing around with the color scheme to see if anything else works better. I will also try and clean up with the gradient tool, and I may and try to make the pages look more exciting, and look more like a rap magazine.

I think this task was particularly successful, after finishing my draft one, I wasn’t confident about it being as good as my other pages, but now I feel like I’ve bumped it up to a similar level

2nd Draft of contents page


In this task, what we did was, people in our class were randomly selected to peer assess each others first drafts of our contents page. With this feedback, we then further improved these products to make them look better.


I think the 2nd draft of my contents page went very well. The feedback I got from Oscar helped me a lot when I got stuck for ideas and other things.

I changed my contents page a lot from its first draft. I first changed my cover model from Harry to Leon, because the cutout I used before wasn’t as good quality. I then flipped the P symbol so it could be seen better. I added titles for my pages to appeal to the reader a lot more, and I also increased the size of the text, and changed the color so it was more visible in front of the background. I did get rid of the website for my magazine, because I had already put it on my front page. Lastly I added a gradient to contrast the two sides of the page, which I thought looked really cool. I thought it was also important to mention I messed around with the sizes of the text.

Things I may add in the future, is I may get rid of the border around my page, just because I feel my front page should be the only one with a border. I will also try and mess around with the page numbers and titles more, so they can appeal as much as possible to the audience. I could also mess around with the color scheme etc. I will also try and get my teacher to give me some more feedback to find anything else I need to improve on.

2nd Draft of front page


In this task, I attempted my second draft of my front cover. I looked back at my self assessment and looked at the different sorts of aspects I could’ve improved on. I also got my teacher to give me a list of things, including conventional features, I was missing on my first attempt.


I really enjoyed this task, because now my magazine looks a lot more authentic and it has so many of those important conventional features included. I also love how my issue has a collaboration with a brand, because it will link with my other pages even more.

I’m also very happy I’ve added more of a variety of texts to my products, because otherwise it may be a bit repetitive.

What I’ve added which I didn’t have before are some of those conventional features like the price, the date, the issue number etc. I also added the Lyrical Lemonade on my front cover which will link very well in my double page spread. I also tweaked a few things like the pug, so its slanted to the right, the position of the cover line, the order of the artists, and the text of my pioneer logo.

What’s next, is that I might experiment or may get some texts from DAFONT to see if i can improve in that aspect. I will also sort out the lowercase I in the link to my website. I may also play with the size of harry on the magazine, to see if I can make it look any better.