Conventional design features of a magazine

Today we analysed a front cover of a magazine and discussed the technical conventions of the cover such as the masthead, cover lines, main cover lines main cover star, bar code, price, plug, pug, insets and captions. We discussed how thees features are to be expected and have become a typicality within the magazine industry.

The mast head – This is the main title of the magazine.                                  Cover lines- These are the subtitles that outline whats in the magazine.                                                                                                                                  Main cover line and main cover star- This usually outlines what is on the front cover in this case it is Jimmy Page.                                                  Bar code, Price and issue date – These help the seller and reader to determine what they are buying or selling for what price and which issue.                                                                                                                                            Pug- This is usually a different color circle on the cover trying to advertise something that is within the magazine                                               Plug- This is a small heading that advertises how good the magazine is, for example ‘Best ever’

The knowledge of this will help me in the future as we will be creating our own music magazine which will need to incorporate all of these design features into the final piece. So by knowing what each design feature is and how it attracts the reader will result in a more attractive  final product.


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