Contents page draft 2

What’s new?

I changed the fonts of the writing and added more colour to make the key words pop out to the reader this makes the information pop out and make the reader more likely to flick to that page. Then Some of the artists names have been changed to fit the specific articles. then I Added a hellboy logo underneath the up

What I’ll do next?

  • add some more photos
  • change the main image to a new image of the cover star in order to add some variation
  • some page numbers at the end of the coverline – some at the front – needs coherency
  • do main coverline in a different font – too much of the Hell boy font
  • space top left that could be used
  • very large bounding red box for Contens
  • proof typos…wrld…world?
  • needs a page number 3 bottom right hand corner
  • add more coverlines

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