Music Video Draft 1 – Rough Cut

For this video we went to my house to film in my garden and home recording studio. we used a range of shots which ended up coming out well in the edit.

The cinematography went well however we could have gotten a wider range of shots and more shots in order to fill more time.

The guitar shots could have been synced better than they were however still worked for what we needed them for and can be changed  up once we film our narrative.

We still need to record some final performance for the shoot and record the performance in another location on the beach in order to add some variation to the video and conclude the narrative we will shoot in a performance linking them together

Some targets for improvement are:

  • focus on getting a wider range of shots in different locations.
  • further our use of transitions and linking shots such as match on action and Shot reverse shot to create some sense of narrative within the performance.
  • record shots which will link in with the narrative.


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