Final draft 4

Here is my final draft for our music video to PSYCHO – MASN:Reflection:

What went well:

I really liked the look of the edit, it all flows really well with the music with transitions matching the beat with the performance and lip syncing in time with the music and lyrics.

the color correction and changes with the filters all work and match the vibe and connote what the song is trying to portray through the lyrics and narrative.

the close up shots add variety within the video and allow the viewer to see close up emotions on the performers face


feedback for improvements:

when the artist starts to sing in the audio we need to have the performer in the video singing as well.

use the same color filters when it switches between the clips with and without the filter to give it some consistency and not have different looks through out the clips

keep continuity within the clips.

give a transition between the office and beach otherwise it looks like he just appears at the beach

cut between the long shot up on the rocks to the close up on the sand to shorten the long clips down

cut where the performer is looking at the camera

cut where the performer is smiling

fade out and cut extra space in the clips.

keep continuity within the clips in order to make it flow and use filters later on in the clip

don’t break the 4th wall.

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