digipak draft 3

Here are our final digipak images in the case:

in draft three we changed the inside 2 panes of the digipak by adding a photo behind the lyrics which creates a more interesting look to the inside of the digipak. we added a pink circle where the cd would go and added the album’s title repeated in the circle

We then did a survey to find out if our digipaks conventions were recognisable to the genre we chose. we gave our peers a selection of genres and then asked them which genre they thought our digipak was.

here are the results of this survey:

The results from this tally survey were that our digipak was seen as a mix between hip-hop/emotional rap (our genre) (11 votes) and pop (9 votes)  with indie rock, alt-rock and folk also getting one vote each

This clearly shows that we have used conventions and connotations from the correct genre and that the audience can decipher what genre our album is from the front cover of the album


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