Second shoot contact sheet

castle cornet media shoot contact sheet

Here are my contact sheets for the castle cornet shoot. We went to the castle and dressed our models in outfits that use mise en scene and connote to out genres.

In my shoot I had to overcome challenges such as lighting and producing different angles of shot. You can see within the contact sheet times where I shot the photo and had to re take it from a different angle with a lower or higher ISO on the camera in order to correct of the low or bright lighting.

In conclusion I think my shoot went well. I came out with a strong set of photos which can be used throughout the magazine either in the contents page or double page spread.

Here are 3 of My best photos from the shoot and why they are my favorite.

This photo isĀ  good as it incorporates the rule of thirds and shots the model looking down and away from the camera which creates an interesting effect for the reader which inspires the audience to think for themselves why he is there? what is he doing? and why he has a gun.

This photo shows a conventional style emotional rap photo. with them sitting on a step using a low angle resulting in the model looking big and powerful by looking down at the camera.

This final photo is good for a single page as there is plenty of empty space for text, headlines and pugs when creating a page. The model is looking away and down form the camera showing a sense of he is too important and famous to even look at the camera. This creates an interesting effect where the reader is drawn into thinking about the models surrounding, clothing and what he is doing. The use of the harsh shadows helps define facial features and results in a more professional and higher quality shot.

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