social media page draft 1

Here is our first draft of the social media page:

We then self-assessed our Social media page in order to analyse what we have and haven’t done. we then dedicated each part we haven’t done between the group in order to add them to our next draft

Please click to see the PDF
Please click to see the PDF

Our 5 targets for draft 2:

  1.  Add the use of Synergy within the SMP in order to create hard links with other brands and products that can appeal to the audience
  2. Add some promotion of live events, this will create hype and a call to action for the fans
  3. Add interaction and engagement for the audience. they are looking for interaction with the star, so give it to them.
  4. Add some relations to political/ social issues in order to give the artist some sort of moral compass showing their feelings and opinions
  5. Do charity posts.

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