A front cover analysed

Today we analysed a music magazine and discussed the different demographics and psychographics and how they would effect how the magazine would be marketed and designed.

Psychographics is a qualitative methodology used to describe traits of humans on psychological attributes. Psychographics have been applied to the study of personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles.

Demographics is the study of a population based on factors such as age, race, and sex

This will help me when making my music magazine as I will have to think about what demographic and psychographics I am looking for . This will allow me to direct my attention to the specific groups I am aiming my Magazine at. Including the textual analysis of how I will capture the readers attention through the use of different font, colours, camera and images to appeal to my target audience.

In order to do this I must research what my target audience is in order to decide which font, colours, camera and images to appeal to my target audience.

I will have to follow the process of researching the audience, using mise en scene to convey a narrative and creating an eye catching design that includes all of the aspects of textual analysis.

Camera angles are also used in order to covey a narrative within the cover. I new know that I will have to take use range of angles in order to find an angle that conveys the same narrative as used within mise en scene. This will help solidify to the reader what is trying to be connoted about the magazine through the cover

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