Category Archives: Music magazine

What’s a contents page?

5X catchy headlines


In order to hold my readers attention within the contents page I must make sure my cover lines, Page numbers and information must entertain and interest the audience.

Contact sheet

Here are my contact sheets from my first front cover shoot.


How I met the creative intentions for my shoot

I made sure to dress my model in dark clothes and wearing necklaces. this relates to the dark vibes of emotional rap. I also made sure to shoot a range of angles of the model in order to have a wide range of images available for the different pages within the magazine. this would also give me more freedom when choosing the cover photo. I strayed from the shoot plan with the clothing and hair as this attire looked better than the one chosen for the model within the shoot plan.


Mast head design

Within Music magazines the masthead is one of the most important feature that will catch the audiences eye and draw them into the magazine. As well as eye catching the masthead must also relate to the conventional fonts of the genre and attract and interest them in terms of AIDA and solidify the brand image

Star Image

This is my star image which represents their ordinary and extraordinary personality’s. The different ways that the stars are presented connotes and denotes different personality  and conventions in which the fan base sees them as through the meta narrative they put out.

The repertoire of elements show that the different lifestyles and shows that the artist can be presented as two types of person at once. Showing the extraordinary and ordinary sides to their life


Brand mood board and star image

Please click the image to go to the pintrest board

here is the link to my Pintrest page.

This mood board will help me to gain inspiration the specific aesthetic within the genre I am going for within my magazine.

The mood board will help me to confine the audience expectations of the genre and cater to and represent what they want and what they expect.

The mood board will help me when creating my magazine as i can refer back for inspiration and to remind me of the general conventions within the genre. It will also help me to remember and incorporate the audience expectations into the magazine by connotating and denotating to actual artists within the genre though the use of my models.


My audience Profile and research

My Perfect audience member would be:

Millennial’s, mainly women but also a lot of men, They would be in school or should be in school. They belong to many Instagram communities and like voicing their opinions on music . They are either to young to work or working in a shop, or they are Instagram models. They like to hang out at friends houses and enjoy hanging out in forests and outside

Here are the some artists and their demographics that an Emotional rap fan would listen to.

This is the dating profile for the magazine of the general demographic of the magazine. I will refer to this profile when I am deciding the uses and gratification,  entertainment, education, social interaction and personal identity aspects of the magazine.

This profile will also help me when I am designing the magazine is I will be able to remember the exact demographic and psycho graphics of the target audience as the profile describes in detail the age and their interests.

I will also be able to decode what their preferred reading habits would be and will write like specific articles they would read about their favourite artists, in this case XXXTENTACION, Lil Peep and       Lil Tracy. However I will have to take into account the oppositional reading of the audience allowing them to create their own meaning of the text.