Category Archives: Component 1

Draft of the double page spread

Here is my first draft of my double page spread. I used the photos from my location shoot in order to create the background. Then I added a title and place holder text where I will add my article

In reflection I could have edited the background photo more and chosen a serif font in order to make it easier to read.


  • page numbers
  • byline and photography by
  • caption the photo
  • add some zing to it….
  • free promotion needs to be less by the headline  – could be on the photo at the bottom?
  • pink is rap?
  • Please click to see the PDF



Article development


Brandon Baskaville or more widely known as Yung Bas is a rising superstar who has taken the world by storm at only 16 years of age. He has acquired fame and fortune along the way, but at what cost? Today we will be talking with Yung Bas about the problems he has faced as a young musician and how he has overcome certain challenges within his career and personal life. 

Yung bas grew up in Long Beach California, he attended school like a normal kid and would spend his free time in the studio making music. When asked about his life growing up he stated, ‘I was a weird kid, I was different and no one noticed me. I was like a ghost.’ This gap in his childhood where he was alone, was where most of the raw emotion we see today within his music stemmed from. This would also be the time when all the other kids were out playing, he would be inside recording and posting his tracks on SoundCloud where he had a small following of about 100 listeners. Little did he know this was about to change. 

On The 13th of November 2019 Yung Bas dropped his hit debut album titled ‘Head High.’ and just like that, overnight he was a worldwide sensation, Gaining millions of followers and views every week. However this is where his troubles began. When asked about his life in the time after this album he stated ‘with fame comes money, with money comes people who want that money for themselves. The day my album blew up I went from nobody, who not a single person would notice or talk to, to everyone’s best friend overnight. I didn’t know any better, I was just happy to have some friends even if they were just using me.’ 

However,  nowadays Bas has learned to keep his real friends close and not let his judgement be clouded by people who claim they have done everything for him. ‘Some people will come up to me and even try as much to guilt trip me into giving them stuff. There was this one time where someone who I thought was my best friend at the time just got up and left one day with my car when he found out I wasn’t taking him with me to Cali for the tour.’ 

‘Nowadays I just write and wish I was back in that old sweaty studio back at Long Beach, just to escape the fast paced life which I now lead, even just for a second.’ 

Yung Bas has truly inspired us with his quick rise to fame and his constantly amazing track and we at Hellboy cannot wait to see what the future has in store for him. 

Language analysis

The Article I will be analysing is QMaverick’s article on James Lavelle from September 2017. 

The article is about how James Lavelle created the label MO ’wax and Invented a genre called Trip-hop. The bold writing under the large title of his name includes a lot of information and provides a summary and introduction to the piece. It draws in the reader’s attention and gives them all the information they will need in order to keep them reading and wanting to find out more. 

The actual article begins with a large block capital which is typical for long articles as it provides the reader with a clear place to start reading.

The article is in a serif font making it easy for the reader to read the article as it is a more natural and flowing typeface. 

The article includes information such as dates, names and quotes from the people involved and start of with a personal story about his 24th birthday party in which they were accompanied by an ‘Everest of cocaine’ 

The article then describes how James Lavelle fell into a £270,000 debt and had to sell his Basquiat. These ups and downs of the story result in an interesting captivating piece for the reader. 

The structure of the piece is set out by a Title spanning half the page of his name, an Introduction to James Lavelle than the actual textual article about him. This layout is easy to navigate and allows the  reader to find their way through the piece with ease. 

The language and aim of the piece show clearly that the article is aimed at the older ages, from 18+ as the use of profanity and drugs within the piece are apparent. This shows the writers have a clear understanding of their target audience and will write the article catered towards them. 

The performer is represented as careless and rowdy financially as it is constantly reminded within the piece that he is often in debt. However this doesn’t seem to stop him from having a fun time but also thinking about his past mistakes. 

All of this gives the reader a clear look into his life and his experiences providing the reader with a rare look into someone like this personal life, conveying emotion and financial hardship to the reader and making them fulfilled with the amount of information they have received.

draft of a contents page


My Targets:

  • use a wider range of editing within photoshop in order to  show an understanding of the software.
  • Use a more readable font within the page as to be seen and read from a distance
  • Use props and a wider range of photos to diversify the type of shots that have been used
  • Add more photos into the contents page to guide the reader to other articles
  • Justify the font within the page to make it easier to read.
  • I will also change the photo to another photo as this one is the same as the front cover

Second shoot contact sheet

castle cornet media shoot contact sheet

Here are my contact sheets for the castle cornet shoot. We went to the castle and dressed our models in outfits that use mise en scene and connote to out genres.

In my shoot I had to overcome challenges such as lighting and producing different angles of shot. You can see within the contact sheet times where I shot the photo and had to re take it from a different angle with a lower or higher ISO on the camera in order to correct of the low or bright lighting.

In conclusion I think my shoot went well. I came out with a strong set of photos which can be used throughout the magazine either in the contents page or double page spread.

Here are 3 of My best photos from the shoot and why they are my favorite.

This photo is  good as it incorporates the rule of thirds and shots the model looking down and away from the camera which creates an interesting effect for the reader which inspires the audience to think for themselves why he is there? what is he doing? and why he has a gun.

This photo shows a conventional style emotional rap photo. with them sitting on a step using a low angle resulting in the model looking big and powerful by looking down at the camera.

This final photo is good for a single page as there is plenty of empty space for text, headlines and pugs when creating a page. The model is looking away and down form the camera showing a sense of he is too important and famous to even look at the camera. This creates an interesting effect where the reader is drawn into thinking about the models surrounding, clothing and what he is doing. The use of the harsh shadows helps define facial features and results in a more professional and higher quality shot.

What’s a contents page?

5X catchy headlines


In order to hold my readers attention within the contents page I must make sure my cover lines, Page numbers and information must entertain and interest the audience.

Contact sheet

Here are my contact sheets from my first front cover shoot.


How I met the creative intentions for my shoot

I made sure to dress my model in dark clothes and wearing necklaces. this relates to the dark vibes of emotional rap. I also made sure to shoot a range of angles of the model in order to have a wide range of images available for the different pages within the magazine. this would also give me more freedom when choosing the cover photo. I strayed from the shoot plan with the clothing and hair as this attire looked better than the one chosen for the model within the shoot plan.