Category Archives: Component 1

Mast head design

Within Music magazines the masthead is one of the most important feature that will catch the audiences eye and draw them into the magazine. As well as eye catching the masthead must also relate to the conventional fonts of the genre and attract and interest them in terms of AIDA and solidify the brand image

Star Image

This is my star image which represents their ordinary and extraordinary personality’s. The different ways that the stars are presented connotes and denotes different personality  and conventions in which the fan base sees them as through the meta narrative they put out.

The repertoire of elements show that the different lifestyles and shows that the artist can be presented as two types of person at once. Showing the extraordinary and ordinary sides to their life


Brand mood board and star image

Please click the image to go to the pintrest board

here is the link to my Pintrest page.

This mood board will help me to gain inspiration the specific aesthetic within the genre I am going for within my magazine.

The mood board will help me to confine the audience expectations of the genre and cater to and represent what they want and what they expect.

The mood board will help me when creating my magazine as i can refer back for inspiration and to remind me of the general conventions within the genre. It will also help me to remember and incorporate the audience expectations into the magazine by connotating and denotating to actual artists within the genre though the use of my models.


My audience Profile and research

My Perfect audience member would be:

Millennial’s, mainly women but also a lot of men, They would be in school or should be in school. They belong to many Instagram communities and like voicing their opinions on music . They are either to young to work or working in a shop, or they are Instagram models. They like to hang out at friends houses and enjoy hanging out in forests and outside

Here are the some artists and their demographics that an Emotional rap fan would listen to.

This is the dating profile for the magazine of the general demographic of the magazine. I will refer to this profile when I am deciding the uses and gratification,  entertainment, education, social interaction and personal identity aspects of the magazine.

This profile will also help me when I am designing the magazine is I will be able to remember the exact demographic and psycho graphics of the target audience as the profile describes in detail the age and their interests.

I will also be able to decode what their preferred reading habits would be and will write like specific articles they would read about their favourite artists, in this case XXXTENTACION, Lil Peep and       Lil Tracy. However I will have to take into account the oppositional reading of the audience allowing them to create their own meaning of the text.



Branding ideas + mission statement

My chosen genre for my music magazine is Emotional (Emo) Rap. Emo rap is melodic rap mixed with a punk  rock vibe. This is one of the leading genres of rap and is one of the main genres i enjoy.

I will have to create a brand which appeals to the audience of Emo rap. This will have to contain a high contrast between light and dark color, High fashion clothing, dyed hair and tattoos. These features all connote a sense of violence to emo rap when in reality is generally emotional lyrics whilst over melodic, high bass beats. The link between the reader and the high fashion images shown will create a sense of personal identity resulting in the reader aspiring to be like the artists within the magazine.

I will have to incorporate the uses and gratification theory within my magazine. This is where the users needs for media are satisfied by the product for entertainment, information, personal identity and social interaction. I will have to take all of these into account when writing the magazines contents.

The name of the magazine must be meaningful, easy to remember and catch the audiences attention whilst relating to the type of lyrics within Emo rap. The title I have chosen is HELLBOY magazine.

The mission statement of the magazine will be:

“we aspire to bring lovers of the emotional rap together in a way that artists can meet and find other artists and listeners of the same genre and broaden their horizons of the genre all in one place. They will find personal identity, information and entertainment from HELLBOY and will be glad they chose HELLBOY as there source of media”




My tour poster

This is a mood board for my tour poster. my genre is punk. i will use this for color schemes and ideas within the brief when using different fonts,  images and trying different  layouts. 

Having done my research on Punk tour posters conventionally, they are either black and white or contain pink with cut out newspaper text or aggressive sharp bold lettering in order to connote the violence and aggression that surrounds Punk, i will take this into consideration in my typography

The mood board shows shows the pictures of the band in an overexposed high contrast lighting. With an almost cartoon-ish drawing sketch style of editing. This can be achieved within my poster busing Photoshop and making the post black and white. I will make sure to add this into my fonts, images, color, layout, typography.

Please click the image to see the PDF

To make my poster first I used Photoshop in order to cut out my star and turn it into a PNG using the select and mask tool to highlight the areas I wanted to keep.

After this I exported the PNG into In-design and started to create ideas for the poster.

First I arranged the image onto the page in a way I still had room for a title and any information about the tour. Then I searched through the fonts until I found a suitable one ‘Smile and wave’. I added the title and information in this font, added a drop shadow to the title, cover star and price in order to give the image some depth.

Finally I added a light pink background which contrasts the black and white image and the drop shadow once again adding depth and making the poster more eye catching.

the poster uses AIDA in order to attract the viewer, interest them with the poster, give them desire to attend the show and finally a call to action showing where and how to attend the shows, without this they wont know what to do.



An introduction to my front page swede

Today we learned how to use In Design and used our knowledge from the lesson in order to recreate a music magazine’s front cover

In the lesson we learnt how to create text, place images within shapes, how to wrap, change and move text, how to color text and how to find the optimum front for the cover.

3 strengths of my in design knowledge are:

  1.  Use of text, font and sizing of letters
  2. Use of colored blocks to create lines and blocks
  3. Use of justification within the piece

3 weaknesses of my cover are:

  1. Images are stretched and out of proportion
  2. Some text is in italic when it shouldn’t be
  3.  Top text is too big compared to the original
Please click the image to see the PDF


Here are some tutorials I found in order to help my weaknesses: 

A front cover analysed

Today we analysed a music magazine and discussed the different demographics and psychographics and how they would effect how the magazine would be marketed and designed.

Psychographics is a qualitative methodology used to describe traits of humans on psychological attributes. Psychographics have been applied to the study of personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles.

Demographics is the study of a population based on factors such as age, race, and sex

This will help me when making my music magazine as I will have to think about what demographic and psychographics I am looking for . This will allow me to direct my attention to the specific groups I am aiming my Magazine at. Including the textual analysis of how I will capture the readers attention through the use of different font, colours, camera and images to appeal to my target audience.

In order to do this I must research what my target audience is in order to decide which font, colours, camera and images to appeal to my target audience.

I will have to follow the process of researching the audience, using mise en scene to convey a narrative and creating an eye catching design that includes all of the aspects of textual analysis.

Camera angles are also used in order to covey a narrative within the cover. I new know that I will have to take use range of angles in order to find an angle that conveys the same narrative as used within mise en scene. This will help solidify to the reader what is trying to be connoted about the magazine through the cover

Conventional design features of a magazine

Today we analysed a front cover of a magazine and discussed the technical conventions of the cover such as the masthead, cover lines, main cover lines main cover star, bar code, price, plug, pug, insets and captions. We discussed how thees features are to be expected and have become a typicality within the magazine industry.

The mast head – This is the main title of the magazine.                                  Cover lines- These are the subtitles that outline whats in the magazine.                                                                                                                                  Main cover line and main cover star- This usually outlines what is on the front cover in this case it is Jimmy Page.                                                  Bar code, Price and issue date – These help the seller and reader to determine what they are buying or selling for what price and which issue.                                                                                                                                            Pug- This is usually a different color circle on the cover trying to advertise something that is within the magazine                                               Plug- This is a small heading that advertises how good the magazine is, for example ‘Best ever’

The knowledge of this will help me in the future as we will be creating our own music magazine which will need to incorporate all of these design features into the final piece. So by knowing what each design feature is and how it attracts the reader will result in a more attractive  final product.