Category Archives: Music Video

Shoot 1 reflection

For our first shoot we went to my house and filmed in the garden, patio and my home studio. when recording we focused on the performance aspect of the video in order to fill in for when we are not using our narrative in the piece. We made sure to get a variety of shots in order to give us a wide range of clips we could use to shot the artist performing. using lighting and  cinematography to create emotion through the shots

The day went well over all as we followed our pitch and stuck to the exact shots we had laid out and planned which helped us be efficient in our shooting. however we did not take photos of our process which meant we had to use shots from the video to show what we had done. We managed to film all of our desired shots efficiently which gave us more time to edit and think about an shots or narrative we would want to achieve for our next shoot.

Focusing forward to the narrative and editing process in this shoot we need to make sure we get more film than necessary, allowing us to fill in gaps and any problems we encounter with certain shots can be swapped for others. making sure all the camera settings are correct and on the right levels


Video narrative story/shot sheets

This is my group shot list for the narrative section of the video, in which the character/star image is stuck in a dreary office job and goes off the rails in search of a more liberating lifestyle. It serves to depict the sequence of scenes during the narrative shot in a visual way.

    1. the star is stuck in an office job doing his work every day with shots from different days to show time
    2. he gets really stressed with his work and ends up getting overwhelmed
    3. he tares up and throws his work in the air
    4. he flips his office table in rage
    5. he then runs out of the office to the beach where he is stood and being sad
    6. he is seen on the beach sad but happy he has finally escaped the repetitive life of working the same job every single day

Narrative development – Narrative sheet

To allow my group to have an organised and smooth shoot, we made a narrative sheet to clearly lay out all of our aims and intentions to make it clear within the group what direction the narrative was heading in, clearly outlining the Narrative Structure, characters, binary opposition, themes, conflict, resolution, equilibrium, disruption this way we will know exactly what we are doing and minimise confusion within the group


Music Video Draft 1 – Rough Cut

For this video we went to my house to film in my garden and home recording studio. we used a range of shots which ended up coming out well in the edit.

The cinematography went well however we could have gotten a wider range of shots and more shots in order to fill more time.

The guitar shots could have been synced better than they were however still worked for what we needed them for and can be changed  up once we film our narrative.

We still need to record some final performance for the shoot and record the performance in another location on the beach in order to add some variation to the video and conclude the narrative we will shoot in a performance linking them together

Some targets for improvement are:

  • focus on getting a wider range of shots in different locations.
  • further our use of transitions and linking shots such as match on action and Shot reverse shot to create some sense of narrative within the performance.
  • record shots which will link in with the narrative.


Star Image – The Performer

This is my group’s star image/ performer mood board of Tyler the creator of a popular artist in the same genre with similar values as MASN our song’s artist.  The board represents how they are represented by the media and what they are like in real life outside of their music.

The artists are represented as extraordinary to make them seem more important than normal people, yet also having the star image of just ordinary to make the public and fans feel as if they are within reach and they can be the same as they are just a normal person. which in itself is a paradox of the star as they are portrayed as two different things which can confuse the audience as explained by Richard Dyer

this depends of the artists target audience and metanarrative on how their star image will be portrayed to the public, as every single thing these stars do is calculated and planned out to gain publicity and good PR.

He is represented as:

unbothered, flamboyant, funny, creative, comical and un naturalistic

please click to see the image
Please click to see the image

After doing this research I feel our star needs to be portrayed as powerful yet non-chelant and funny, we can achieve this by having serious moments yet BTS footage of him making jokes and smiling whilst recording. This will make him relatable to the audience making him seem more approachable and fun to the fans

Visual Shot List for Shoot 1

Here is our visual shot list.

In order to help us understand the different uses of camera, the different angles and the effect they give off to the audience. We created a visual shot list that gives us the exact information of what the shot is and what impact it has on the audience along with a GIF showing a visual representation of the shot it’s self

these shots are all used within other videos within our genre. this knowledge of shots will allow us to make a more varied and exiting music video with a wide range of shots to choose from whilst knowing the effect that it will have on the viewer


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