Category Archives: Music Video

Full pitch + Feedback


This is our group discussion with our teacher, it goes into detail on how and where the shoots will take place and how we will lay out the narrative and performance within the video


Feedback summary:

  • Find a narrative that works with the performance.
  • Settle on locations and times to shoot.
  • good ideas and will work well for a music video
  • try not to over complicate the narrative


  • plan the narrative
  • make a visual shot list
  • 20-second music video draft edited and uploaded to YouTube
  • make group agreement signed and dated


  • The narrative is already fully worked out and arranged.
  • we have many locations in which we can use to film
  • the extras needed are already sorted out allowing us to do scenes in places where a crowd is needed
  • good prop ideas
  • narrative links with the music itself
  • we already have an actor sorted to play the role which knows the lyrics


  • complicated narrative
  • will be hard to link the use of the polaroid into a metaphor for his relationship
  • the songs pretty repetitive so will require something exiting to retain the audience attention
  • the use of the same actor being in the narrative and performance may be confusing
  • uses of dark locations may be hard to film in and acquire good shots
  • fitting the microphone and actor in the studio may result in a clustered shot




Final song choice

Why we chose this song: 

  • We had a lot of ideas for narrative and MES
  • The synesthesia inspired us for an interesting narrative in which would connect to the lyrics
  • out of my groups choices, this song gave us the most creative freedom and ideas for the entire video not just small bits of ideas
  • The ideas I had for the song would give us a lot of room for MES using costume and makeup.
  • The songs lyrics convey narrative so it will be easy to create a story and to evolve the story off of the back of these lyrics
  • the use of

Initial song ideas for a video – Mini pitch

For this task we had to create a mini pitch for a song for our music video to pitch to our group.  For this I chose Psycho by MASN as the lyrics and content of the song inspired me and gave me many ideas for MES (star image in the narrative and performance), Narrative , Performance (lip syncing) and Camera. I wrote these down on my slide in order to convey to my group the ideas I had for the song. We had many ideas for Locations which we could use, for example Port Soif beach, le Guette and my field for some of the outside narrative shots and we would use the garage at my house for the performance. The use of a song with a slow but interesting eat allows for editing to the beat and to Illustrate the pace of song through the  montage of narrative and performance including the Anachronic use of flashbacks and flash forwards whilst making sure the narrative isn’t Disjunctive



Favourite Music Video from Former Student

The ratio of performance to narrative is around 90/10 even know there is very little narrative the use of narrative still coveys a lot of emotion within the short time its on. The lip syncing within the performance is perfect, the lyrics are correct, the timing is perfect and the editing to the beat and pace of the music is on the correct times.

The mise en scene of the artist relates to the dark rock grunge vibe that the music portrays, from the way the main artist holds the microphone, to the facial expressions she is making when singing all connote to the conventions and style of the genre.

the video had been filmed and edited to fit the dark style of the genre with the bits of narrative showing the dark meaning behind the music and lyrics creating a very professional looking video from the different camera angles to the editing and cuts they have used which flow with the beat and pace of the music.

Detailed Music Video analysis

Here is my detailed analysis of Katy Perry’s Chained to the rhythm:

I looked at how different camera and MES conventions are used to convey a narrative and make the artist stand out.

The music video used the repertoire of elements which pop music videos include such as a narrative, performance and dancing.

The use of a narrative within the music video is illustrative in order to convey real world problems to the audience using amplified MES and a futuristic extraordinary star image in order to seem almost godly and an idol for the viewers and listeners


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Music Video Form & Conventions

Here I chose 4 music videos to bread down and analyze the mine en scene, narrative and star image of the video  and how it is used to convey a narrative and genre within artists music videos. this can include the use of narrative that relate to lyrics and sound, yet also completely non linked narrative. the music video can also be a performance where its just the artists playing, or can be a mix of the two

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in order to create a high quality music video I will take inspiration from these four music videos and make sure to ling the pace of edit, mise en scene, lighting, narrative and performance and filming to the genre using a range of different shots and angles in order to convey the narrative through different facial expressions and settings