Category Archives: Social Media page

SMP Draft 2

SMP Draft 2:

Summary of targets and feedback from Screencastify:

  • get back to fans
  • make the podcast more clear that it is a podcast
  • add some stories
  • add a tour poster with the release of the album
  • add some synergy – promo codes and brands either with posts or stories
  • personal identity is needed to show the fans your ideology

Targets to add in next draft:

  • add in some more stories and posts regarding the tour and shows
  • work with some brands in order to give the fans some promotional items and codes
  • talk more about personal thoughts and feelings so the fans can connect to the artists feeling and thoughts.


social media page draft 1

Here is our first draft of the social media page:

We then self-assessed our Social media page in order to analyse what we have and haven’t done. we then dedicated each part we haven’t done between the group in order to add them to our next draft

Please click to see the PDF
Please click to see the PDF

Our 5 targets for draft 2:

  1.  Add the use of Synergy within the SMP in order to create hard links with other brands and products that can appeal to the audience
  2. Add some promotion of live events, this will create hype and a call to action for the fans
  3. Add interaction and engagement for the audience. they are looking for interaction with the star, so give it to them.
  4. Add some relations to political/ social issues in order to give the artist some sort of moral compass showing their feelings and opinions
  5. Do charity posts.

Timeline and marketing ideas

Here is our structured timeline for marketing and promotional posts on our artist’s social media page. this will give us a lot more structure and allow us to know as a group exactly what will happen next. This timeline included information on how we will share Teasers, promotions, social interaction, personal identity and other posts about the artist. The use of an artist social media page results in the artist seeming more attainable and normal to their fans catering to their AIDA.

1. Intro post: This is where we will introduce the artist. this post will contain information about the artist including photos of the artist.

2. Short teaser clip of music video: This post will contain a clip of the music video playing on an old TV with no text or other information on the post. this will make the most mysterious and build hype as fans will be intrigued and come up with their own theories of what the post means, making them feel involved in the community. (Viral)

3. Story post: There will be a date posted on the Instagram story with no other text to link in and give the fans a release date for the music video. (promotions)

4. Radio Interview: The post will be a short video clip of a radio interview of the artist on a radio station talking about himself and this is where he will announce the album. (promotion, social interaction)

5. follow up story post: there will be a story post giving more information about the album.

6. tour announcement: a post containing information and a link to a website selling tickets to a tour.  This post will also contain a giveaway to 5. VIP Tickets to the tour

7. final post:  Album drop with music video

Social Media Page Terminoligy

JUICE WRLD – Instagram

JUICE WRLDs Instagram is very catered towards his target audience which is mainly teenagers and young adults from any gender.  His account is more of a personal social media platform rather than a business tool. His account features many images of him being an ordinary person, hanging out with his girlfriend going shopping and in the studio working.  The account also heavily features images of him performing on stage in front of large audiences to show the audience that he is a star yet giving them the chance to see the crowd and performance from their perspective

This use of social media makes him more relatable to his fans and seem like his lifestyle is attainable and reachable if they were to try and work hard enough to get it

His social media page follows a lot of the technical conventions you would expect to see on artists social media such as promotion, hashtags, captions, fan interaction, links to merch, a call to action and links to his music and websites. all of these conventions promote awareness to the target audience that this is an artist profile, not just a normal account.