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Music Video Form & Conventions

Here I chose 4 music videos to bread down and analyze the mine en scene, narrative and star image of the video  and how it is used to convey a narrative and genre within artists music videos. this can include the use of narrative that relate to lyrics and sound, yet also completely non linked narrative. the music video can also be a performance where its just the artists playing, or can be a mix of the two

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please click the image to see the PDF

in order to create a high quality music video I will take inspiration from these four music videos and make sure to ling the pace of edit, mise en scene, lighting, narrative and performance and filming to the genre using a range of different shots and angles in order to convey the narrative through different facial expressions and settings


An introduction to my front page swede

Today we learned how to use In Design and used our knowledge from the lesson in order to recreate a music magazine’s front cover

In the lesson we learnt how to create text, place images within shapes, how to wrap, change and move text, how to color text and how to find the optimum front for the cover.

3 strengths of my in design knowledge are:

  1.  Use of text, font and sizing of letters
  2. Use of colored blocks to create lines and blocks
  3. Use of justification within the piece

3 weaknesses of my cover are:

  1. Images are stretched and out of proportion
  2. Some text is in italic when it shouldn’t be
  3.  Top text is too big compared to the original
Please click the image to see the PDF


Here are some tutorials I found in order to help my weaknesses: