So… I’m a Media Prosumer

My music magazine collage fits the Blumler and Katz model very well. The Blumler and Katz model has 4 categories:

  • Entertainment/Diversion – used for my own personal enjoyment and to distract me from what is happening inĀ  the outside world
  • Social Interaction – used for socializing with friends and and meeting new people. Connecting me with people who aren’t within physical reach
  • Personal Identity – Used to publicize information about myself and giving myself a virtual identity
  • Information/Surveillance – used to keep me updated with events and what is happening in the outside world without having to physically experience it

This model is the idea behind what the uses and gratifications are when we are using different types of social media, and why, the consumers and prosumers, might choose to use those different applications ourselves

At least one image from my collage fit into each of the Blumler and Katz uses and gratification. This will make my music magazine personalized to me and around my interests and my collage. This will make my music magazine unique.

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