Star Image – Theirs and Mine

For this task, we were asked to make a Prezi powerpoint on an artist in our magazine genre, mine being lyrical rap, and delved deeper into their personal life and meanings of their lyrics. We were then asked to create another moodboard with pictures of ideas on what they might wear on and off stage. We learnt about media theorist Richard Dyer and his theory of the paradox of the star. This theory was the idea that even though a star is extraordinary – talented, amazing – they were also ordinary people who do ordinary things such as shopping, drive cars and bikes and fail exams, making them relatable to the general public. This makes us – the fans – want to meet them . Below is my Prezi presentation.

Below is my clothing moodboard. This moodboard was to research more into the style of my ‘star’ and gather ideas and options on how I can dress and style my model when it comes to photographing and editing a picture of them in costume.


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