So… I’m Ready to Make Some Media

When in the process of making my music magazine, I need to consider these factors listed below:

  • The Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications Model
  • Mise-en-scene
  • Camera
  • Layout/Format
  • Design (Colour and Typography)
  • AIDA

These factors will have a major effect on how successful my magazine will be. All of these factors will help with the physical appearance of the front cover and of the model I will be using as my artist on the front cover.

Blumler and Katz model

The Blumler and Katz model is the theory of why we use media. The 4 factors are:

  • Information
  • Personal identity
  • Social interaction
  • Entertainment

These will help me to shape my magazine content around the different wants and needs of the readers and audience.


Mise-en-scene will be vital in the design of my front cover model on my magazine. The mise-en-scene of my model will help to define the actual genre and also what may be in the contents of the magazine. My idea is to use the simplicity of a rappers fashion sense, e.g Logic or Eminem, and dress my model up in clothes similar to the rappers style, and have the pose as the rappers would, making my magazine cover look authentic.


From the camera terms and skills we learnt in the previous lessons, I have a better understanding and idea on how I can present my model on the front cover of my magazine. A lot of the pictures are close-ups of the artists face from the shoulders up, with good lighting and no angle, making the picture flat and simple.


AIDA stands for:


These are all important features I need to think about in order to make my music magazine as good as possible. They will help me to look into and find the wants and needs of a reader.


This will be really important in the design of my magazine as it will help create an atmosphere and set the tone of the genre I will be writing about in the magazine. This could range from the font and text colours I use to the positioning of the size and positioning of the pictures


These terms and skills are going to help me to make my magazine cover look authentic and realistic. These are all ideas that I am going to use to make my magazine the best that it can be. Each will

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