My Magazine Front Page Swede

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Our aims from this task was to recreate the layout using in design and remind our selves of the main design features of  a magazine such as master head, front cover star, pugs, plugs etc. We completed this tsk to improve our in design skills. Below is the real version and above is my recreation. I had lots of fun recreating this magazine cover and experimenting with in design. I had to make decisions about the color of cover lines master heads etc. To see if they writing would go with the photo while still trying to recreate it. I had to find the perfect text for the date and issue as each word or number was different.

I feel that I was good at making executive decisions as my photo was different from the original, I was also good at spacing and the sizing of things such as pugs and the writing however I found finding the right or similar text to be difficult. For the plug I had to do a special underline tool to get as close as possible to the real image.upon reflection I know I need to become better with sizing ad fonts for example the front cover line start ‘MIA’ the M is too low and doesn’t match the original. I found that just getting used to using in design itself to be the hardest part, for example finding where all the tools where and what tool does what, however upon reflection my understanding has grown tremendously which is sure to help me when creating my own magazine.


These are 3 in-design videos that will help me in the futre.

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