Draft 3

Mrs. cobbs feedback for front cover-

  • Make the title bigger as its to skinny, it will help it stand out
  • Add a price to the front cover
  • Add more cover lines to make it more busy
  • change the cover line ‘unheard songs’ to relate to an artist
  • Try a different color border at the bottom for example pink or white

Mrs. cobbs feedback for contents page-

  • Fix the spacings between text to make sure its all even and make sure text doesn’t overlap
  • Add a page number in the corner
  • Make the numbers on the strip bolder



Mrs. cobbs feedback for double page spread-

  • Add a different photo in the box maybe one of her face or something different?
  • Caption the picture in the box
  • Make the article writing wrap around her
  • Check spellings in the article as well as making sure it ends with ‘continued on next page’


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