Category Archives: Creative Critical Reflection 1

CCR2- How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text

My magazine is called roadhouse, indie born and bread influenced magazine at the disposal for all indie lovers and acquaintances alike.

At roadhouse we value not only getting you the best entertainment through popular artists but we also value getting you connected on a deeper level to our artists. We try to include you as much as possible for example in our newest issue kiana’s and was answered by your guys questions on what you wanted to hear the answers too. ‘We as a community want to inspire readers with our talented artists and up to date news and exclusive interviews.’

Unlike typical indie music magazines. My magazine creates a sense of community for example by again, involving our readers as much as possible but also having amazing one in a lifetime opportunities for concerts and tours.

I would hope to work with Hearst communication, because it’s multinational and multi media giving my magazine the biggest audience and the best opportunities to my magazine and the upcoming indie artist that deserve more praise.

CCR1 – How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues

Script for ccr1-

Technical conventions and analysis- Conventionally, all magazines are laid out with : Masthead, main cover star, pugs, plugs, bar code, price, edition, cover lines, contents page, DPS, standfirst, quotes.  However, each magazine genre will have specific conventions to that genre for example the indie genre usually had a lot of color which I decided to comply with as you can see on my front cover with my use of pink, blue, yellow.


I decided to comply with the general convention of a  magazine by having a title, sub headings, pugs, a bar code and a main cover star.
I did this to ensure that my magazine looked and felt like a real magazine which resulted in a better desire to read it.

I decided to use and develop on indie conventions by going with a somewhat typical color scheme of bright colors, I also made sure my star looked fashionable which is conventional for an indie magazine. This resulted in my presentation being attractive and made my star desirable.

My mission statement –
This a conventional indie music magazine mission statement which includes conventional features such as exclusivity and quality information and quality paper of the magazine
This is my mission statement which comply with the conventional ‘exclusivity’ of indie magazines- ‘ At Roadhouse we believe everyone deserves to hear the newest and most inventive side to indie music through our inviting hearty magazine. We as community want to inspire readers with our talented artists and up to date news and exclusive interviews. if you are an independent hardworking young reader this is the place to be! never miss out on exclusive backstage passes and once in a lifetime opportunity’s. Join our inviting community and be apart of the upwards road to change in indie music.’
 mission statements are incredibly important to target your correct audience and keep your publishing on track
Colour pallet- In my magazine I have basic colours such as black and white but I also have lots of bright colours that are conventional to the indie mag such as pink blue and yellow. This resulted in my magazine being more eye catching and interesting resluting in my audience being more likely to by my magazine.
language star image –
Through language I represented my star is caring towards her fans, down to earth and honest. I did this because conventionally indie artists are known to ‘care for their fans’ I thought this was important to include in my magazine as it will make my star have a more personal relationship with the audience – ‘I’m forever grateful for my fans, it wouldn’t have been possible without their support’.
A answer to one of the questions I asked my star – why it isn’t always sunshine and rainbows in the music industry’  in the q and a where by she answered with ‘theirs a stigma to be perfect, the industry is incredibly competitive… beings diy artist is hard, being sighed to a industry is hard. theirs no play book.’ this makes my star appear honest and down to earth, relatable that she has problems too and isn’t ‘perfect’ and also will gain respect from fans for being honest.

Media Ecology

What is media ecology?

Media ecology disaccording to wiki, is the study of media, technology, and communication and how they affect human environments.

Ecosystems are everywhere

Some natural ecosystems might be; the water cycle, the circle of life eg predators and prey, bess and humans, they give us honey and we give them pollen.

This is our ecosystem of a bin man. An ecosystem is built upon everything and everyone helping each other for example. The bin man collects the rubbish from the pet shop and prison, takes it to the dump and the skater helps flll the truck with petrol so that it can can do all of those tasks. Even the policemen needs petrol and will leave rubbish so although they don’t know each other they all rely upon one another to complete their daily tasks. This is a lot like media.

Just like natural or man made ecosystems and environments, the media world has its own ecology too, various elements platforms and ingredients all come together and rely upon one another to function as a whole to create the media world we know, love and sometimes hate today.

so what is in a media ecosystem?

first being probably the biggest one being; Money.

Hello Media Studies

The experience already have before starting media are:

  • I am an artist, I love to draw, create, paint etc; I also love makeup
  • I am a creative

These skills will help me because media being being creative means you will be more original and stand out against the millions of other magazines, music covers, blogs etc. my love of makeup will also help me as I will be bale to create good costume and design looks for photo shoots.

The skills media will help me improve:

  • My computer skills e.g Using Premier Pro
  • My literary skills
  • Photography and editing skills
  • Having A better understanding of the world around me

I will gain computer skills through editing and creating and using my blog. My literary skills will improve as writing detailed evaluations and using unfamiliar media and or camera terms will brander my array of English. My photography skills will defiantly improve tremendously, for example learning how to use the camera eg; Shutter lens, focusing, angles and lighting. This camera knowledge will ensure I can get the best quality photos.  finally, just taking this course and learning about the world through the the eyes of producers and creatures will allow me to have a better understanding of the world around me. This is transferable knowledge that will help me in daily life.

Creative skills: makeup, drawing, design

Technical skills:  keyboard skills, using a camera, editing

Transferable skills: literacy, communication, personality,

Reflecting on where I am now and where I will be in the future is important because because it shows i have an understanding of how to improve and what i need to do to do that.

I Am a Media Prosumer

This is a mood-board of all the media I personally consume and produce. As a teenager I am constantly consuming all types of media. I have learnt about how media is everywhere and effects everyone even media producers them selves. I also now have a better understanding on how these aspects effect a consumer in turn making me a better media producer and maximizing popularity.

What I’ve learnt – they’re are 4 aspects to media, and in order to succeed, thrive and reach a wide variety of people and have a successful media platform you need all 4. These are as follows 1)Social interaction 2)Personal identity 3)Entertainment 4)Information. Personally I consume all four of these types of data as you can see from my mood board, for example, I consume Netflix shows for entertainment, listen to the news for information, I use face time for social interaction and what I choose watch and consume based on my interests, makes up my personal identity and who I am as a person.

Focusing forward – In my future work these skills and understanding of the multiple purposes behind media will help me as a media producer and in making my own media, such as my magazine. It will help me as I now know what makes a successful media platform. Also  I will have to ensure that it is entertaining, informative and provide the audience with opportunities to socially interactions and also reinforce their own ideologies and beliefs – their personal identity. To maximize viewing and opportunity for popularity I will have to do all those things as well as making sure its enduring enough to bring the audience in.