Category Archives: Music Magazine

Draft 3

Mrs. cobbs feedback for front cover-

  • Make the title bigger as its to skinny, it will help it stand out
  • Add a price to the front cover
  • Add more cover lines to make it more busy
  • change the cover line ‘unheard songs’ to relate to an artist
  • Try a different color border at the bottom for example pink or white

Mrs. cobbs feedback for contents page-

  • Fix the spacings between text to make sure its all even and make sure text doesn’t overlap
  • Add a page number in the corner
  • Make the numbers on the strip bolder



Mrs. cobbs feedback for double page spread-

  • Add a different photo in the box maybe one of her face or something different?
  • Caption the picture in the box
  • Make the article writing wrap around her
  • Check spellings in the article as well as making sure it ends with ‘continued on next page’


1st draft of contents page

Upon reflection I think my first draft is a good start, however I feel it could definitely be made more eye catching by more interesting design and text. I also think that I should make all the cover lines and subtitles bigger so to not leave empty space. Five targets to improve in in draft two could be-

  1. Make cover lines, subheadings  real ones
  2. More interesting text style and finish all the subheadings under the stars names
  3. Add something about the tour tickets mentioned on front cover
  4. Add a page number in corner of page




The Adverts

As I appreciate my choice of adverts will not be marked, I can understand that adverts are a typical conventions to magazines, and for the purposes of of presentation its an important part of it being a proper flipsnap. This is because its a vital part of fundraising for a lot of magazines including music magazines. I have chosen the following adverts as I feel they resemble and articulate the genre of my magazine, indie, and would appeal to my audiences demographic, mostly women and mostly young audiences, millennials and generation x.

I decided on this advert by female tribes as most indie listeners are female. However its an important message for everyone to hear and would appeal to everyone. Its also eye-catching and shows how indie artists tend to deeply care for there fans and are real people with emotions and not artificial creators.

I have chosen this add because it appeals to all types of people, all ages and all demographics. Its also relevant to real life world news going on at the moment and again, fits in with the idea that indie artists care about their fans lives.

I have decided to use this advert at the back of my magazine to make it a true mini magazine, it shows Billie Eilish a famous indie artists and her upcoming album, which of course, anyone reading my magazine would be interested in.


2nd Draft Of Front Page

In this draft iv added some more colours and a white circle to make my cover lines stand out. I’ve also changed some of the font to better suite my theme.

what’s next?

  • bar-code would normally be bottom right
  • she needs a main cover line – usually over or much nearer her
  • the masthead is a different font – add strike and boldness to it and raise it up towards the top more
  • & instead of AND
  • space out the cover lines as they are all bunched up


Language analysis

The Article-

‘The carnival- What makes a perfect gentleman? Leave big tips, Baby!’(sep 2017),Chris,?


  • This article is an interview/ advice article, I know this because it’s all about his’ ten commandments’. 
  • It’s laid out in ten sections, each with a statement and a number itself e.g. 1, 2, etc. as the sub headings which is easy for readers to navigate and understand. Also each subheading is enticing and makes you want to read more for example; ‘money isn’t everything’ ‘know when to move on’ 
  • An example of his subheading statements would ‘3- music can change your life. Literally!’. It’s interesting as each section is written from his point of view however he did not write it, so can this be classed as an interview? 
  • It also has a plug directly in the middle talking about reviews of songs including central images which breaks up the text nicely and draws the eye.
  • The overall style of the magazine is simple color scheme; white and black; with deliberate uses of red in things like the picture and pugs in the middle and the arrow pointing to the titles. 

Presence of journalist- 

  • Mode of address- It’s interesting as the journalist has written each section from the star’s point of view, 1st person, however the star obviously did not write it, so can this be classed as an interview? 
  • The journalist/ writer might have done this to create a stronger bond between the reader and the star, it makes them feel as if they are directly being spoken to  instead of through a 3rd person party. He does quote some of the artist’s direct responses yet still writes as if he is the artist. 
  • Apart from that and his name in the corner of the magazine, in the credits, he has no real presence in the text itself.
  • The only clear introduction is the ‘introductory sentence’ or cover line; ‘the rapper and musicians rules to life’ however there is no clear conclusion.

ADIA and gratification theory –

  • Attract– This article could attract its readers through the interesting picture of the star he’s wearing normal clothes you could even go as far to say sluggish, his catch headline ‘what makes a perfect gentlemen… big tips, baby!’ an audience could also be attracted by knowing the artist as his name is in bold before the first section of the article. Also considering this is a music magazine hip hop lovers would also be attracted.
  • Desire – Desire could be created through
  • Interest – 
  • Attention – 
  • this article

Language and aim/representation of the artist-

  • The words used in the magazine are unconventional and not very formative, for a lot of magazines as in the first section titled ‘1-karma gonna get you’ has two swear words alone in it; this is probable because its written as if the writer is the star and the star probably uses a lot of swear words and they would want to keep it as authentic as possible to again, create that connection between reader and star. This may give the i don’t care feel to the star which goes with the genre of the magazine and the star himself as he is a hip hop artist.
  • An example of some direct quotes the writer has decided to use are; ‘yo can i sample this song’ ‘ i want to create my own enya!’ a lot of the quotes are when the artist is talking about speaking to a third party. The journalist has probably done this because he is writing as if he is the artist and wouldn’t want to confuse viewers and instead make it clear when he’s talking about past experiences and talking to third parties.
  • The magazine also touches on many things mainly about being a star and how it feels which is interesting to the public and probably an underlying aim of this article but it also touches and mentions subjects such as being president and a star which will create interest in itself, but also By touching on many different subjects such as school, money, presidency, dropping other bib pop stars names are all smart moves by the magazine and the journalist as it will keep many different types of readers interested.
  • There’s lots of short sentences which goes with the theme of the magazine and makes it easier to digest.
  • There’s also catchy subheadings using alliteration ‘pop and politics’ 
  • There is also use of rhetorical sentences towards the end which is deliberate, they want to talk to you directly and make you wonder at the end of the article to give the impression  that the article had an impact on you, it also a good way to break up a lot of talking.
  • There’s lots of short sentences which goes with the theme of the magazine and makes it easier to digest.
  • There’s also catchy subheadings using alliteration ‘pop and politics’ 
  • There is also use of rhetorical sentences towards the end which is deliberate, they want to talk to you directly and make you wonder at the end of the article to give the impression  that the article had an impact on you, it also a good way to break up a lot of talking.
  • After reading this article readers may feel like they have more of an incentive into his life as well as what it’s like to be a hip hop star. They may also have felt understood if they were a teenage reader as he tries to connect with how hard that aspect of his life was at the start of the article. However in contrast, the title and the subheadings may anger some people. Hey are slightly misleading and some people who maybe don’t know that star may have been disappointed for example-the main subtitle ‘a musicians rules for life’ may be miss leading as they’re not rules but instead just ways to incorporate stories of his career and personal life. ‘A perfect gentleman has respect’ then goes on to talk about his song, the perfect gentleman.  You can see how this could be confusing at first look? However some other titles like ‘mix pop and politics’, and ‘music can save your life, literally’ actually do talk directly and unconfusigly about the title.

In conclusion the journalist represents the star in a good light. He connects the star with the reader through 1st person writing and interesting retellings of stories where the readers feel present in instead of listening to some ancient event and makes the star seem more relatable.

Contents page what is t?

A contents page is usually 1/2 pages per mag and will act as a menu for what will appear in the rest of the magazine.

General Technical conventions of a contents page-

  • Editors hello – May explain why things are where they are
  • Page numbers – These tell the readers where to find the content in the magazine and can also show the most exciting pages e.g. competitions or exclusive content
  • Images and word clues –  Help with the feeling of the magazine.
  • Cover lines – These are short and important to promote the content and that page. They should make you want to know more
  • Insets and index – Tells you where everything is
  • Hyperbole and superlatives in headlines (descriptive) – These will incise the reader and create interest they are the extraordinary or interesting terms alliteration and depth descriptions.
  • Graphic illustrations and designs – These are not only appealing for the reader to view but also make the magazine come together and create even more interest.
  • Reminder or prompt to the overall magazines name and mission statement – Its important they remember what you stand for and get invested in the magazine
  • Photos that relate to the star, listed articles and features – This is important as a big part of why they may have brought the magazine might have been because of the cover star, therefore including them in pictures and articles will keep the reader reading on.

When I design my contents page I will make sure I remember to…

A – Attract

I – Create Interest

D – Create Desire

A – Call to action

I will also remember how to keep a reader and what’s important for a magazine to do, social interaction, personal identity, and to inform and educate.


This mood board shows some different designs of  contents pages in magazines I enjoy. For example I like the unique layouts, the clean intsisng look and the thought out use of color, and the use of lots of pictures to create interest.

These are some catchy headlines and cover lines and or words I have come up with that might work for my music magazine. Its important to use simple but powerful language. Numbers might be included in headlines as people are attracted to numbers. Making bold statements are also good in cover lines as they make you wan to keep reading.

Call to action – ‘try’ ‘click’ ‘YOU’ this involves the reader and make them feel included like they’re actually being spoken to. ‘shocking’ ‘exclusive’ ‘ inside now’ ‘chance to win’ ‘why’ – Question terms that create  sense of urgency that might make the reader curious.

Above is some handrawn examples of contents pages I enjoy and may use and take inspiration from for my own magazine