Category Archives: Preliminary Print Tasks

My Tour Poster

Please click on the image to see the original

I was given the brief to create a mood-board then a tour poster based on the psychedelic rock genre.

Through my research and creating my mood-board i discovered that psychedelic rock has conventions, if bright colors like purple and pink and blue. The fonts are considered of a ‘groovy nature’ and intertwine with the other stuff on the page almost like a drug trip which is obviously intentional for the genre. Their images in the cover sometimes include people but always include cool drawings, shapes etc.

looking forward

This will help me when creating my magazine cover as I know I have to do lots of research into all the aspects of a magazine such as the audience and what they will like, does it go with the genre? What do the people that read  this magazine do etc.  This will help to create a high standard, well thought out and effective magazine appropriate for that audience.

Print Media That Communicates Meaning – A Tour Poster

I have looked at MES and analysed a tour poster and its colours, fonts, costume and the body language and facial expressions of the cover star.

  • As you can see from my denotations, the muted colours of blue and grey give a calm relaxed feel. I now know the important to think about the font, colours and body language etc displayed on the front in order to convey the correct narrative.
  • For example ed feels very relatable and normal. This is due to the font he’s used which looks handwritten and also gives connotations of relaxation.

My Magazine Front Page Swede

Please click on this image to see the PDF

Our aims from this task was to recreate the layout using in design and remind our selves of the main design features of  a magazine such as master head, front cover star, pugs, plugs etc. We completed this tsk to improve our in design skills. Below is the real version and above is my recreation. I had lots of fun recreating this magazine cover and experimenting with in design. I had to make decisions about the color of cover lines master heads etc. To see if they writing would go with the photo while still trying to recreate it. I had to find the perfect text for the date and issue as each word or number was different.

I feel that I was good at making executive decisions as my photo was different from the original, I was also good at spacing and the sizing of things such as pugs and the writing however I found finding the right or similar text to be difficult. For the plug I had to do a special underline tool to get as close as possible to the real image.upon reflection I know I need to become better with sizing ad fonts for example the front cover line start ‘MIA’ the M is too low and doesn’t match the original. I found that just getting used to using in design itself to be the hardest part, for example finding where all the tools where and what tool does what, however upon reflection my understanding has grown tremendously which is sure to help me when creating my own magazine.


These are 3 in-design videos that will help me in the futre.

Camera Talks

I can now tell different story’s with a camera. For example using MES and the camera itself I can create a narrative and meaning.

You can create emotion and impact with the way you hold the camera and the subject themselves I learned all the different angles, framing and technical techniques on the camera as well as composition and distance and how they all combine and intertwine to create and tell a story.

As well as these things the camera itself as its always the main story teller for example  a high angle looking down on someone May represent there loss of power or vulnerability. or like in some of our photos, we have bars these could reprint feeling entrapped or sad. I also used the rule of three in some photos as the human eye likes to see things in three.

This approach and knowledge of story telling through MES and the camera will help me in the future with my music magazine and video as i will be able to take interesting photos and convey my story effectively

My image that uses MES to communicate meaning

Made with Padlet
The task at hand – Our teacher randomly allocated us all a genre of music. As you may be able to tell from my mood-board, we got Psychedelic rock. Through research we found that psychedelic rock covers tend to embody the genre and includes cool editing techniques, connotations of lots of bright funky colors like blue green and neon’s. They also like to wear interesting patterns and clothes, remember this was popping in the 60s and 70s so is very true to its prime era. we saw a lot of bands such as Pink Floyd and The Beatles, wearing cool headbands and hats and circle glasses. If you scroll through my mood-board you would see all the connotations we have made. Its very dream like and out of this world s its directly linked to drug culture.
The response – After all our research and findings that enabled us to dress our model in a costume we felt appropriately portrayed psychedelic rock, we asked the class to right posit notes to describe him. They said things like ‘cool’ ‘druggy’ ‘cocky’ ‘out of this world’ etc. We did this to see how the class felt our character was represented. And As a producer i feel we represented psychedelic rock very well. Referring to the costume part of MES, we have the cool hair with the headband, the circle glasses, the bright patterned shirt, the electric guitar which is often used in this genre and finally the cool coat as an out there fashion choice also true to the times. I think they described him pretty well for example i can see how people found him cocky as his clothes are very unusual and out there, thees also this i don’t care feel to hi which we were going for as to be able to pull this off you need.
Photo shoot  – This is some of our photos we took, we tried various poses, angles , facial expressions and body language. For example we did some low angles shots, mid shots, long shots, and movement shots. We tries poses where he had his hands in his pockets for an i don’t care look or poses that give a more intimate feel. We also did some open body language as-well as some stand of ish ones. We also chose a white background as its easier to edit and we wanted this as this genre likes to edit trippy stuff on it.
Final image –  I chose this image as i think it represents the look we were going for the best. I think he perfectly portrays the’ i dont care ‘ look while still looking cool with his open body language and eyes away from the camera. He’s essentially flaunting his clothes giving the cocky feel. I also chose a mid shot as these are the most effective on magazine covers as i feel you can see emotion more. he looks unusual, colorful and arrogant.
Reflection- mes is very important in media to create meaning and and impactful story meaning a better effect with more engagement. for example looking into the camera in a really close up shot in black and white would be very serious and maybe even scary. You can tell a story with each image using, makeup hair clothes angles of the camera, facial expressions etc. and how you do each of them have a tremendous impact on the outcome of the overall photo or photos. Now when I Create my own magazine production I will know how to covey the story and idea in an effective manner using  MES EN SCENE. I also know know that there’s a lot of thought and detail and planning that go into photo shoots and everything is there for a reason not just chance.