September 13

So… Hello Media Studies

I am hoping to learn:

  • How to use the media to eventually branch to other companies so we can work together and make projects together to make a profit for both our companies.
  • I am also hoping to learn how to make my online presentations more presentable and easier to read and understand.

Skills I already have are :

  • A wide range of knowledge on how to use media to get information across to others.
  • How to create basic slide shows and power points.

I think media studies could help me with:

  • My future in any job, due to technology increasing and expanding to almost daily use.
  • Creating an aesthetically pleasing presentation in a future job to help promote of sell an item or idea.
  • Communicating with other colleagues via media.

Posted 13th September 2019 by harrysykes in category Component 1, Creative Critical Reflection 1

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