Narrative Development

Narrative Sheet

As we have filmed the performance side to our music video, we now need to film the narrative side and this required a lot of preparation and planning. Firstly, we filled out a sheet below with all the information regarding the narrative. This included the type of narrative we are filming and the structure to it- Disruption, Resolution and the New Equipmentilibrium. We also discussed the key themes for our narrative and gave a brief outline of the storyline.


It was beneficial for our group to complete this sheet as it gave us the opportunity to think and plan our narrative more in depth. We have discussed the key themes and ideas for the narrative side of our music video and also made note of the MES that is being used. It also gave us the opportunity to start thinking about the theory side of our narrative- Todorov’s Theory. This is the theory that every story ( or music video ) starts with an Equalibrium, has a Climax, Event and finishes with the Problem Solved and Restoration. This is very similar to the structure of our own music video narrative.

Our music video is also following an amplified narrative. Our storyline links with the lyrics of the song but it does not demonstarte them word for word. We have put our own spin on the narrative as opposed to an illustrative or disjunctive narrative.

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