Music Video Final Draft

Final Draft


As a group, I think we worked well together to create a great end product. Our final video coincides with what we had originally planned for it to look like. We spent time and money working on our MES and I think we pulled it off well. The bright colours of the costumes contrast nicely against the dark locations we decided to use. We each practiced applying the ‘Day Of The Dead’ makeup to our modals multiple times to perfect the look and to work out which one of us applied it the most efficiently. Our narrative and performance portrays our song choice well and I think the purpose of our video is communicated well to our audience. We encountered some problems during the filming process of our video and we ended up having to do multiple shots in two different locations- The Underground Hospital and Grande Rocque Castel. It cost us £10 an hour to film in the UGH so we had to take this into consideration as a group.

We worked together to edit the video and we learnt many new skills during the process. We included a variety of transitions such as flashbacks and zoom-ins, and we spent time trying to perfect the colour correction technique that was used. The editing process was a challenge as none of us were familiar with the software Premiere Pro. However, by working together we achieved the things we wanted to.

If we were to do this project again, I think we would have planned our timings better – in terms of the days we filmed on. This is because we ended up having to film on three different occasions which was unfair on our star image and was extremely time consuming. We should have ensured all of our equipment was working before we left for shooting and we should have made a clear plan between us all as to specific shots we were going to film.

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