Category Archives: Component One

Complete magazine – Draft 3


Since finishing my second draft I Have looked at the comments made by my peers and I have made improvements on the points that they had made as this way I could get multiple people’s views to improve the things that I don’t notice.

I have improved multiple parts that include:

  • I have aligned my cover lines to show a form of consistency throughout my front cover to help it look more clean and professional to improve the chance of getting my magazine chosen over another.
  • I have also added a coloured line between each main cover line to show that they are different features so that it can be noticed more quickly without having to work out what is together and what is not.
  • I have also added a price, barcode, and issue date to help a viewer pick up the newest issue as they would be able to check when it was published. I have also included the price beside the date to help a customer to work the retail price instead of having to ask a member of the shop staff from where they are purchasing it.
  • I have also increased the size of the masthead to make it more obvious what the name of the magazine is. I have also increased the size to make it easier for viewers to remember so that they are able to remember the name when they come back to a shop to purchase the magazine.
  • I have also increased the size of my model’s image as the background as my peers had commented that he looked a bit squashed so I have re-added the image and have scaled it down to fit whilst holding the shift key to keeps the width and length at the same distance so that the image is still viewable.
  • I have also reduced the space between the feature splitters and the text so that I am able to fit in more text and information.

Content page

Since finishing my second draft I have looked at the comments made by my peers and I had improved on the points that they had made as then I could get multiple views to improve the things that I didn’t notice.

I have improved multiple parts that include:

  • I have included another feature on my contents page as I found that there was a lot of empty space that I could fill that had been created by making text closer together to remove the feeling of emptiness.
  • I have added colour to each my page numbers to show the variety of content in a more attractive way that relates to my magazine’s genre of EDM.
  • I have also added electric field lines to be displayed over each page number to keep the target audience informed of what the genre is and to also keep all parts of the magazine linked together so that nothing stands out that in unrelatable.
  • I have also changed my font types as on my second draft there were multiple fonts choices that didn’t link to anything so I have now given text that has the same meaning the same font. For example, I have made all of the main points in each page feature black to show an audience member that they are the main part of the article. I have also change font sizes so that all of the headlines can be viewed at the same size and then all of the sidelines could be viewed in white so that an audience member could pick out the main parts of what is included in the magazine without having to read the whole content page if they were trying to find a specific feature.
  • I have also added a coloured outline to each of the page numbers as I find that they need to be eye-catching and also need to fit the background, so I used a colour that stands out the most on the borders of the numbers.
  • I have also changed my background as I found that it didn’t fit the colour range that could be picked up on my colour wheel so I  have now changed it for a colourful and eye-catching background that would fit a large variety of font types and colours while fitting with my magazine’s genre.
  • I have also added page numbers and artist names to the images around the content page as I thought that an audience member should be able to find more about a specific image if they wanted to easily and quickly so that they can engage more in the information about what is presented in the image.
  • I have added coloured borders around the three of my images that filled the right side of the page as I found that this helped them to stand out more to a larger viewing audience than without. And I also find that it helps it gives the images more meaning while avoiding adding more text.
  • I have also updated my page title(‘contents’) with a more vibrant, eye-catching and relatable font type and size as I found that the original font didn’t betray the vibe and mood that I wanted as I would like a viewer to be able to clearly see what the page is about without having to spend to much time trying to read a small, bold and simple title.
  • I have also changed the page number fo the content page in the bottom right corner. I have since changed the colour size and font type of both the page number and the magazine title as one of my peers suggested that it would look better if the font type was the same as my magazine masthead and they also suggested that it would look more obvious if the size was to be increased as then it would be more visible and would also relate to the rest of the page due to the similarities.

Double page spread

Above I have displayed the second draft of my double page speed that I am going to include in my music magazine.  Since the second draft I have since changed the image that is located on the first page in the magazine spread, this change was due to my peers agreeing that I should swap my old image with the one shown above due to the colours matching the rest of the spread. I have also created a new text layout that involves the artists quote being displayed at the bottom of the image with a headline piece of text showing what was happening in the image and where it was located.  I have used a full page to show an image that I took of an upcoming artist during a worldwide live stream festival set. I have titled this image with the cover line “Jelly Baby live at the castle” so that my target audience can quickly work out what pages contain what so they can quickly find a specific page. I have listed below a list of improvements that I could make that have been suggested by one of my peers that I will be using when creating my third and final draft.

My Targets for my 3rd draft:

  • Make the quote smaller
  • Choose a more exciting font for the main cover line and look at line spacing and move it off his head.
  • Drop capital where the article starts.
  • Smaller font as you can get more of the article in.
  • One column is justified and the other not.
  • Electro logo in the appropriate colour and font.

My peer’s video response can be viewed below:

3rd draft of DPS


Since finishing my second draft I Have looked at the comments made by my peers and I have made improvements on the points that they had made as this way I could get multiple people’s views to improve the things that I don’t notice.

I have improved multiple parts that include:

  • I have decreased the size of the quote as one of my peers suggested that it was too big and would look better if the text was to be made smaller as otherwise, it would take effects away from the article title.
  • I have also changed the image that was used on the first page on my double page spread as I thought that I was not including my best images so I have now changed the image to something that is effective while still looking professional and relatable.
  • I have also decreased the font size so that I would be able to add more text into the article so that viewers wouldn’t  look at large blank spaces that helped my article look busier.
  • I have also made both columns of text the same alignment as on my second draft the first column was aligned differently to the second that made it look unprofessional and consistent.
  • I have also changed the text displayed by the page number so that it would fit better with my magazine as it includes the same words as my original logo so I thought that I should keep it consistent by making it the same colour and font.

The original feedback that I received can be seen below:

Chosen adverts


I chose this advert for my magazine as I think that it is a product that my target audience would be interested in due to the relation it has with my magazine’s genre as artists use them when performing and creating music so this would then help to show the audience members that it is a good product.


I have added this advert as my second option. This advert advertises an event that features one of the artists that are featured in my magazine. This is why I think it is a good ad to include as people who would like to see the artist live could easily find an event that they are performing at due to the advert at the front of the magazine detailing who is performing, social media tags, the date of the event and were to purchase the tickets in a simple but creative way. I have also included this advert as I think it would fit my target audience and ideal demographics as it features a young and upcoming headliner artist that plays new club music and who also plays at venues such as Cafe del mare in Ibiza and ministry of sound in London as well as performing at most major festivals.


2nd Draft of Content Page

Since creating my first draft of my contents page I have since changed the images that I had included as I felt that they didn’t have a strong connection with my multiple magazine extracts. I have since replaced them with the image that I had taken during my two shoots with two different models.

The improvements that I have made include:

  • Changing the font to make it more eye-catching and clear rather as by having unclear text my magazine could be rejected by multiple target audience member, before reading the first article.  This is because they could think that the whole magazine was unclear about what it was saying.
  • Using more colourful images that can reflect the colours that had been picked out on my colour wheel for this genre as then this would create a stronger connection between my magazines’ context and images featured.
  • Featuring more images on my content page as this would help to fill the blank space and it would also help to express my genre as a whole more clearly so people can quickly notice the creators desired genre for this magazine.

Below I have displayed my targets that have been set to improve on my 3rd draft.

  • frame the photos or add depth and they need captions and page numbers…who are they? where are they?
  • font of Contents and placing?
  • electro in a colour with the page number to stand out?
  • more colours in the cover line i.e. the main headline in one colour or uppercase and then the rest in lower case and different colour or font?
  • colour the numbers?
  • more cover lines?

2nd Draft DPS

Above I have displayed the second draft of my double page speed that I am going to include in my music magazine.  Since my second draft I have since changed the image that is located on the first page in the magazine spread, this change was due to my peers agreeing that I should swap my old image with the one shown above due to the colours matching the rest of the spread. I have also created a new text layout that involves the artists quote being displayed at the bottom of the image with a headline piece of text showing what was happening in the image and where it was located.  I have used a full page to show an image that I took of an upcoming artist during a worldwide live stream festival set. I have titled this image with the cover line “Jelly Baby live at the castle” so that my target audience can quickly work out what pages contain what so they can quickly find a specific page. I have listed below a list of improvements that I could make that have been suggested by one of my peers that I will be using when creating my third and final draft.

My Targets for my 3rd draft:

  • Make the quote smaller
  • Choose a more exciting font for the main cover line and look at line spacing and move it off his head.
  • Drop capital where the article starts.
  • Smaller font as you can get more of the article in.
  • One column is justified and the other not.
  • Electro logo in the appropriate colour and font.


2nd Draft Front Page

Since creating my first draft of my front cover I have since re-designed my layout to fit my genre in a more relatable and clear way. I first changed the type of image that I  would use and I find that on my first draft the image couldn’t be linked to my genre clearly and efficiently, that is why I have done a second photoshoot where I have used a more vibrant costume and also where I have included props that can clearly link to my genre. I have added multiple font types to attract my audience in a more eye-catching way that helps to keep my audience aware of the content That I have included on my front cover.

When creating my new magazine front cover I have continuously reflected on the comments that my peer made when assessing my original front cover, so that I can make the required adjustments needed to make my second draft more informative and relatable.

I have improved multiple features to make my end result better than my original draft that includes:

  • A new image that can be easily connected to my chosen genre.
  • A new variety of fonts that have helped to make my content list more eye-catching due to the variety of colour and font differences.
  • Involving a price and date that shows my target audience the price of the magazine and the date that it was issued so that they buy the correct magazine without hesitation.
  • A new colourful and vibrant background that helps to make the models clothing and figure more eye-catching and meaningful.

Below I have listed the targets that my peer had set me that would help to improve my magazine’s front cover.

  • he seems a bit squashed and a bit cut out?
  • can he go in front of the masthead?
  • justify, align your cover lines
  • bring some of them closer together i.e. less line spacing
  • arrange the cover lines so we know they are different stories?
  • pug is too big and plays with the font/cop within it?
  • barcode, date, issue, price?
  • increase masthead size
  • main cover line is what? Place it nearer or over him?